Spilimbergo, Sara
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.071
EU - Europa 742
AS - Asia 500
SA - Sud America 2
AF - Africa 1
Totale 5.316
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.062
SG - Singapore 294
UA - Ucraina 236
CN - Cina 180
FI - Finlandia 134
SE - Svezia 115
IT - Italia 63
GB - Regno Unito 57
BG - Bulgaria 34
RU - Federazione Russa 29
DE - Germania 27
FR - Francia 14
TR - Turchia 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
ES - Italia 6
IN - India 5
JO - Giordania 5
MX - Messico 5
CA - Canada 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
IE - Irlanda 4
SI - Slovenia 4
ID - Indonesia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
BE - Belgio 2
BR - Brasile 2
GR - Grecia 2
PL - Polonia 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DK - Danimarca 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
NO - Norvegia 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 5.316
Città #
Jacksonville 518
Chandler 515
Fairfield 456
Ashburn 273
Singapore 242
Woodbridge 195
Seattle 188
Houston 186
Santa Clara 169
Wilmington 166
Cambridge 151
Ann Arbor 146
Columbus 137
Princeton 106
Beijing 104
San Mateo 101
Helsinki 58
New York 57
Lawrence 51
Dearborn 36
Boardman 34
Sofia 34
Moscow 25
San Diego 22
Trento 16
Fremont 15
Norwalk 15
Los Angeles 14
Des Moines 13
London 11
Washington 11
Falls Church 10
Hefei 10
Kunming 10
Nanjing 10
Bordeaux 9
Fort Worth 9
Shanghai 9
Izmir 8
Kilburn 6
Munich 6
Verona 6
Trieste 5
Dublin 4
Guangzhou 4
La Línea De La Concepción 4
Olomouc 4
Wuhan 4
Altamura 3
Chengdu 3
Dallas 3
Fuzhou 3
Hong Kong 3
Jakarta 3
Mexico City 3
Milan 3
Redmond 3
Acton 2
Aracaju 2
Augusta 2
Bremen 2
Brno 2
Brussels 2
Changsha 2
Chioggia 2
Clearwater 2
Clifton 2
Düsseldorf 2
Falkenstein 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Islington 2
Katerini 2
Montreal 2
Padova 2
Torre Del Greco 2
Xian 2
Zhengzhou 2
Zhongxin 2
Abano Terme 1
Abidjan 1
Aquila 1
Aveiro 1
Bolzano 1
Bristol 1
Cerreto Guidi 1
Cholula 1
Chula Vista 1
Dhaka 1
Easton 1
Edinburgh 1
Freiberg 1
Glasgow 1
Guimarães 1
Hampton 1
Heriot 1
Hesperange 1
Hounslow 1
Hove 1
Hyderabad 1
Jinan 1
Totale 4.274
Nome #
High Pressure Carbon Dioxide pasteurization of coconut water: A sport drink with high nutritional and sensory quality 155
Effects of pasteurization on volatile compounds and sensory properties of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water: thermal vs. high-pressure carbon dioxide pasteurization 136
Dry acellular oesophageal matrix prepared by supercritical carbon dioxide 133
Partial permeabilisation and depolarization of Salmonella enterica Typhimurium cells after treatment with Pulsed Electric Fields and High Pressure Carbon Dioxide 117
Bacterial inactivation on solid food matrices through supercritical CO2: a correlative study 109
Pressure-induced pH changes in aqueous solutions – On-line measurement and semi-empirical modelling approach 106
Effect of dense-phase CO2on polyphenoloxidase in model solutions 103
Food Pasteurization and sterilization with high pressure 100
Dense phase CO2 (DPCD) for microbial decontamination of food 99
Optimization of supercritical carbon dioxide treatment for the inactivation of the natural microbial flora in cubed cooked ham 97
Inactivation of Bacteria and Spores by Pulse Electric Field and High Pressure CO2 at Low Temperature 97
High pressure gases: role of dynamic intracellular pH in pasteurization 90
Validation of a mathematical model for predicting high pressure carbon dioxide inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli spiked on fresh cut carrot 89
On-line color monitoring of solid foods during supercritical CO2 pasteurization 88
Terminal sterilization of BisGMA-TEGDMA thermoset materials and their bioactive surfaces by supercritical CO2 88
Effect of high-pressure gases on phase behaviour of solid lipids 87
Yeast inactivation of fresh apple juice by high pressure nitrous oxide 85
Effects of supercritical CO2 and N2O pasteurisation on the quality of fresh apple juice 85
Microbial inactivation by high-pressure 82
Sterilization of fruit juice by high pressure CO2 81
Milk pasteurization at low temperature under N2O pressure 81
Intracellular pH measurement during high-pressure CO2 pasteurization evaluated by cell fluorescent staining 81
Supercritical carbon dioxide combined with high power ultrasound: An effective method for the pasteurization of coconut water 81
Effetto della pastorizzazione sulle proprietà sensoriali e sui composti volatili dell'acqua di cocco (Cocos nucifera L.): trattamento termico vs. Anidride carbonica supercritica 81
Quality attributes of fresh-cut coconut after supercritical carbon dioxide pasteurization 80
Microbial inactivation by high-pressure 80
UV-vis Spectroscopy for the Determination of Diffusion Coefficients and pH in Aqueous Solutions/ Sc-CO2 Systems 79
Stochastic modeling of S. cerevisiae inactivation by supercritical CO2 79
Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores by Supercritical CO2 Treatment 78
High pressure carbon dioxide inactivation of microorganisms in foods: the past, the present and the future 77
Thermodynamics of solutions of CO2 with effects of pressure and temperature 77
Supercritical carbon dioxide inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes spiked on dry cured ham pig skin 77
Human pathogens, nosocomial infections, heat-sensitive textile implants and an innovative approach to deal with them 76
High-pressure CO2 inactivation and induced damage on Saccharomyces cerevisiae evaluated by flow cytometry 76
Effect of supercritical CO2 pasteurization of natural microflora and quality attributes of fresh-cut coconut 75
High pressure carbon dioxide pasteurization of solid foods: Current knowledge and future outlooks 73
High pressure carbon dioxide pasteurization of fresh-cut carrot 72
Accurate flow cytometric monitoring of Escherichia coli subpopulations on solid food treated with high pressure carbon dioxide 71
Supercritical gases pasteurization of apple juice 67
Measurement of intracellular ph during supercritical pasteurization evaluated by cell fluorescent staining 65
Determination of intracellular pH of B. subtilis after High Pressure CO2 treatment 64
Effect of CO2 Preservation Treatments on the Sensory Quality of Pomegranate Juice 64
Real-time monitoring of cell membrane modification during supercritical CO2 pasteurization 63
Effetto della stabilizzazione con CO2 e N2O ad alta pressione sulla qualità del succo di mela 62
A Novel Low Temperature Technique for Inactivation of Microorganisms by Pulse Electric Field and High Pressure CO2 59
Microbial inactivation after supercritical CO2 processing in ham over its shelf life 57
Effetto di CO2 sotto pressione su cellule di S. cerevisiae valutato attraverso citometria a flusso 55
Porous Poly(D,L-Lactic Acid) Foams with Tunable Structure & Mechanical Anisotropy prepared by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 55
Supercritical CO2 inactivation on solid materials 54
Kinetic analysis of microorganisms inactivation by high pressure carbon dioxide 52
Non thermal pasteurization of foodstuff by dense gases: experimental data, sensorial analysis 50
Mathematical modelling of yeast inactivation of freshly squeezed apple juice under high-pressure carbon dioxide 50
Effects of supercritical pasteurization of foodstuff on microorganism viability evaluted by cell fluorescent staining 50
Real time intracellular pH dynamics in L.innoqua under CO2 and N2O pressure 50
Treating micro-organism with high pressure 49
Microorganism inactivation by supercritical CO2 in a semi-continuous process 48
Determination of Extracellular and Intracellular pH of Bacillus subtilis suspension under CO2 treatment 48
In-situ monitoring of microorganisms viability evaluated by cell fluorescent staining during CO2 pasteurization treatment 48
Inactivation of milk using high pressure carbon dioxide 48
Supercritical pasteurisation: sensory diversity between fresh and treated apple juices 47
Supercritical CO2 and N2O pasteurization of fresh peach and kiwi juice 47
Supercritical fluid pasteurisation 47
Effect of supercritical carbon dioxide pasteurization on natural microbiota, texture and microstructure of fresh-cut coconut 47
Potentials of ultrasound and high pressure carbon dioxide combined treatment 45
Pasteurization Of Orange Juice By Supercritical CO2 Treatment 44
Lipid micro or nano-particles using supercritical fluid techniques for pharmaceutical application 44
Supercritical carbon dioxide processing of dry cured ham spiked with Listeria monocytogenes: inactivation kinetics, color and sensory evaluation 44
Inactivation of microorganisms by supercritical CO2 in a semi-continuous process 42
Supercritical Fluid Pasteurization and Food Safety 39
Non-thermal microbial inactivation with dense CO2: state-of-art and potentials 39
null 39
Novel preparation of silk hydrogels under high pressure carbon dioxide 38
Supercritical fluids for pasteurization - on-line investigation of the inactivation mechanisms 37
Low-temperature sterilization for biomedical applications 37
Pasteurization of fruit juice by high pressure CO2 36
Supercritical Pasteurization: microbiological and sensory diversities between fresh and treated apple juice 31
Pasteurization of orange juice by supercritical CO2 treatment: kinetic of microbial inactivation 31
Inactivation of microorganisms by supercritical CO2 in a semi-continuous process 28
Non-thermal microbial inactivation with dense CO2: (a review) 28
Totale 5.369
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.425
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.655
Totale 27.080

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020664 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 109 152 89 54 87
2020/2021815 17 159 30 117 77 51 70 40 78 39 88 49
2021/2022628 30 88 4 23 41 27 9 122 28 39 28 189
2022/2023950 125 98 21 146 116 160 2 54 115 12 59 42
2023/2024372 31 36 30 9 33 102 26 35 0 20 9 41
2024/2025654 7 6 84 245 97 214 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.369