Brugnolli, Anna
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 160
EU - Europa 104
AS - Asia 45
Totale 309
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 160
IT - Italia 89
SG - Singapore 44
RU - Federazione Russa 14
HK - Hong Kong 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 309
Città #
Santa Clara 96
Singapore 42
Columbus 36
Trento 25
Moscow 14
Milan 11
Rome 11
Travagliato 8
Verona 4
Lamezia Terme 3
Aci Castello 2
Bologna 2
Bolzano 2
Lavis 2
Pavia 2
Ponte di Piave 2
Toscolano-Maderno 2
Udine 2
Council Bluffs 1
Elk Grove Village 1
Erice 1
Hong Kong 1
Tolmezzo 1
Totale 271
Nome #
Trattato di Chirurgia e Infermieristica 17
Disfagia: guida alla valutazione 12
Trattato di Medicina e Infermieristica. Un approccio di cure integrate 10
L'assistenza al paziente nel pre e post operatorio 10
L'assistenza infermieristica durante la notte: revisione narrativa della letteratura 9
Artificial Intelligence Can Guide Antibiotic Choice in Recurrent UTIs and Become an Important Aid to Improve Antimicrobial Stewardship 9
[Transitioning Italian nursing education in the post-pandemic period: priorities in the light of lessons learnt] 8
A Nationwide Italian Cross-sectional Study on Nursing Students' Perceived Workplace Safety During Clinical Practice 8
A successful nursing education promotes newly graduated nurses’ job satisfaction one year after graduation: a cross-sectional multi-country study 8
Caring in process: A 3-year qualitative longitudinal study of nursing students 8
Contenzione fisica e implicazioni nei contesti residenziali: revisione della letteratura 8
Briefing e debriefing nell’ambito della formazione specifica in Medicina Generale: descrizione di un’esperienza 8
Trattato di cure Infermierisitiche III edizione 8
Nurses' Views on the Use of Physical Restraints in Intensive Care: A Qualitative Study 7
The first COVID-19 new graduate nurses generation: findings from an Italian cross-sectional study 7
[Validation of the Italian Clinical Learning Environment Instrument (SVIAT):study protocol] 7
L’uso delle maschere facciali: le informazioni aggiornate dopo il Covid-19 7
Trattato di Medicina e Infermieristica. Un approccio di cure integrate. Seconda edizione 7
L'assistenza infermieristica notturna 7
Dotazione di personale e qualità delle cure 7
Trattato di cure infermieristiche Seconda Edizione 7
Family and community nursing (FCN): guidelines of the network of Master for FCN of Italian Universities 7
Effectiveness of a multi-layer silicone-adhesive polyurethane foam dressing as prevention for sacral pressure ulcers in at-risk in-patients: Randomized controlled trial 7
The level of competence of graduating nursing students in 10 European countries-Comparison between countries 6
The Efficacy of Umbelliferone, Arbutin, and N-Acetylcysteine to Prevent Microbial Colonization and Biofilm Development on Urinary Catheter Surface: Results from a Preliminary Study 6
Documento di indirizzo per la definizione dei programmi di insegnamento di Infermieristica 6
Perceived competences by graduated nurses before and during COVID-19 restrictions: A repeated cross-sectional study from 2019 to 2022. 6
Il processo che accompagna la decisione di contenere una persona 6
Adherence to European Association of Urology Guidelines on Prophylactic Antibiotics: An Important Step in Antimicrobial Stewardship 6
The education of specialized nurses’ aides: current scenario and future perspectives 6
I bisogni di competenza specialistica percepiti dagli infermieri 6
About clinical practice guidelines: the cardiovascular guidelines. 6
Familiari e badanti: nostri alleati o concorrenti? 6
Advancing cancer nursing practice: educating advanced practitioners 6
The Effectiveness of Educational Training or Multicomponent Programs to Prevent the Use of Physical Restraints in Nursing Home Settings: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies 5
Management of Recurrent Cystitis in Women: When Prompt Identification of Risk Factors Might Make a Difference 5
A national study of nursing homes as learning environments according to undergraduate nursing student's perspective 5
Nursing student plans for the future after graduation: a multicentre study 5
Buoni e cattivi esempi di ricerca qualitativa 5
A questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of health care providers on pain 5
Moving forward the Italian nursing education into the post-pandemic era: findings from a national qualitative research study 5
Italian nursing students' perception of their clinical learning environment as measured with the CLEI too 5
Infermieristica di famiglia. Una guida per prendersi cura del sistema famiglia. Edizione italiana 5
[The Italian instrument evaluating the nursing students clinical learning quality - The Clinical Learning Quality Evaluation Index for nursing students] 5
The management of sexual problems in cancer patients 4
The Lived Experience of Nursing Students with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Backgrounds in Italy: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study 4
Open ICU in pandemic phase Sars-CoV-2: the partial reopening of family visits in an ICU in Northern Italy 4
Nursing students' self-directed learning abilities and related factors at graduation: A multi-country cross-sectional study 4
Nursing students' experience of the mental health setting as a clinical learning environment: Findings from a national study 4
Qualitative study of COVID-19 patient experiences with non-invasive ventilation and pronation: strategies to enhance treatment adherence 4
Graduating Nursing Students' Empowerment and Related Factors: Comparative Study in Six European Countries 4
Fluid Therapy Management in Hospitalized Patients: Results From a Cross-sectional Study 4
Nursing students' perceptions of tutorial strategies during clinical learning instruction: A descriptive study 4
L’efficacia delle strategie tutoriali nell’apprendimento del ragionamento diagnostico: studio quasi sperimentale 4
The Person-Centered Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT) in Nursing Home: Psychometric Evaluation of the Italian Version 4
Teaching methods for clinical settings: a literature review 4
Il sistema grade 3
La valutazione del dolore negli anziani con declino cognitivo 3
Percezioni degli studenti infermieri delle strategie tutoriali nell’apprendimento clinico 3
Idratazione con ipodermoclisi nel paziente anziano 3
Opportunity to discuss ethical issues during clinical learning experience 3
La valutazione dei neolaureati infermieri nelle prove di concorso: indagine descrittiva 3
Securing of naso-gastric tubes in adult patients: A Review 3
Il perché di un dossier sulla ricerca qualitativa 3
L'evoluzione e lo sviluppo dell'OSCE nel corso di laurea in Infermieristica di Trento nel decennio 1997-2007 3
Nursing students' interprofessional educational experiences in the clinical context: findings from an Italian cross-sectional study 3
Importing nurses from abroad: solution or problem? 3
Gli obiettivi ed i contenuti core di management infermieristico nei percorsi formativi di base e post base 3
Guida di autoapprendimento della lettura e interpretazione dell’emogasanalisi 3
Nursing students' involvement in shift-to-shift handovers: Findings from a national study 3
The Emotions Involved in Care and Training. The Emotional Dimension Amongst Nursing Students 3
Trattato di cure infermieristiche 3
Multilevel National Analysis of Nursing Students' Perceived Opportunity to Access Evidence-Based Tools During Their Clinical Learning Experience 3
La pianificazione della dimissione e il contributo infermieristico 3
Piani di assistenza in medicina e chirurgia 3
How do healthcare professionals perceive themselves after a mentoring program? A qualitative study based on the reflective exercise of “writing a letter to yourself” 3
The impact of tutorial strategies on student nurses' accuracy in diagnostic reasoning in different educational settings: a double pragmatic trial in Italy 3
Leggibilità e comprensione delle linee guida sull’igiene delle mani: confronto tra le linee guida OMS(2009) e del CDC (2002) 3
Multi-level analysis of national nursing students' disclosure of patient safety concerns 3
Infezioni delle vie urinarie associate a catetere vescicale 3
Should fluids thickeners still be used for patients with swallowing problerms? 1
Totale 430
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.837
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 47
Totale 1.884

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025430 37 74 56 104 31 128 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 430