04 Convegni (Proceedings)
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 857.859
EU - Europa 230.462
AS - Asia 130.454
SA - Sud America 5.099
AF - Africa 3.602
OC - Oceania 1.358
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 521
Totale 1.229.355
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 852.395
SG - Singapore 78.350
IT - Italia 55.410
UA - Ucraina 48.097
SE - Svezia 34.101
CN - Cina 31.121
FI - Finlandia 23.658
DE - Germania 17.119
GB - Regno Unito 15.344
BG - Bulgaria 10.843
RU - Federazione Russa 9.937
CA - Canada 4.803
FR - Francia 4.157
BR - Brasile 3.894
TR - Turchia 3.654
VN - Vietnam 3.374
NL - Olanda 2.517
IN - India 2.142
ID - Indonesia 2.074
CM - Camerun 1.947
JO - Giordania 1.590
HK - Hong Kong 1.308
ES - Italia 1.163
AU - Australia 1.019
AT - Austria 990
JP - Giappone 957
BE - Belgio 936
KR - Corea 922
IE - Irlanda 826
IR - Iran 730
CH - Svizzera 707
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 612
IL - Israele 577
RO - Romania 559
PT - Portogallo 556
TW - Taiwan 556
EU - Europa 496
GR - Grecia 450
PK - Pakistan 447
MX - Messico 428
PH - Filippine 417
MY - Malesia 397
PL - Polonia 376
ZA - Sudafrica 346
LT - Lituania 334
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 332
NO - Norvegia 322
DK - Danimarca 308
AR - Argentina 248
EG - Egitto 240
CO - Colombia 239
CL - Cile 232
PE - Perù 213
HU - Ungheria 208
BD - Bangladesh 187
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 186
MA - Marocco 174
TH - Thailandia 170
DZ - Algeria 156
HR - Croazia 135
IQ - Iraq 135
SA - Arabia Saudita 135
LB - Libano 130
EC - Ecuador 128
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 123
LK - Sri Lanka 112
UZ - Uzbekistan 107
RS - Serbia 105
CI - Costa d'Avorio 104
AZ - Azerbaigian 103
SI - Slovenia 85
KZ - Kazakistan 80
KE - Kenya 78
LV - Lettonia 75
MU - Mauritius 72
KG - Kirghizistan 71
PA - Panama 68
AM - Armenia 67
LU - Lussemburgo 67
EE - Estonia 66
TN - Tunisia 66
UG - Uganda 65
NG - Nigeria 57
SC - Seychelles 57
AL - Albania 53
ET - Etiopia 52
NP - Nepal 50
VE - Venezuela 49
BO - Bolivia 47
MN - Mongolia 41
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 37
GH - Ghana 36
CR - Costa Rica 34
PS - Palestinian Territory 33
BY - Bielorussia 32
OM - Oman 32
GE - Georgia 29
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 28
MT - Malta 27
PY - Paraguay 25
Totale 1.228.747
Città #
Chandler 118.701
Jacksonville 101.150
Fairfield 73.618
Singapore 61.218
Ashburn 48.188
Santa Clara 40.177
Woodbridge 39.260
Columbus 38.472
Wilmington 36.418
San Mateo 34.507
Princeton 33.462
Ann Arbor 33.333
Seattle 32.930
Houston 26.722
Cambridge 24.551
Beijing 13.836
Sofia 10.798
Trento 10.708
New York 10.653
Dearborn 10.577
Boardman 8.794
Helsinki 8.450
Moscow 7.456
Lawrence 5.948
San Diego 4.426
Munich 3.510
Milan 3.253
Rome 3.101
Norwalk 3.037
Izmir 2.884
Düsseldorf 2.558
London 2.543
Falls Church 2.346
Dong Ket 2.290
Los Angeles 1.928
Toronto 1.853
Jakarta 1.785
Hefei 1.673
Washington 1.667
Des Moines 1.624
Andover 1.586
Fremont 1.516
Nanjing 1.492
Verona 1.469
Dallas 1.426
Bremen 1.356
Montréal 1.261
Kunming 1.248
San Paolo di Civitate 1.214
Shanghai 1.067
Mcallen 961
Ottawa 882
Guangzhou 872
Trieste 778
Padova 734
Como 727
Bologna 726
San Jose 650
Bolzano 648
Jinan 643
Phoenix 629
Altamura 602
Nanchang 580
Kilburn 571
Udine 569
Naples 561
Turin 556
Dublin 555
Lappeenranta 539
Vienna 524
Florence 513
Brussels 503
Hong Kong 499
Frankfurt am Main 496
Hangzhou 493
Nuremberg 471
Redmond 426
Costa Mesa 425
Pune 398
Laurel 386
Paris 385
Brno 369
Amsterdam 363
Tokyo 360
Palermo 356
Mountain View 352
Zhengzhou 347
Fuzhou 336
Bari 334
Wuhan 318
Redwood City 311
New Bedfont 308
Genoa 307
Shenyang 303
Salerno 302
São Paulo 300
Vicenza 287
Chengdu 283
Melbourne 264
Bassano del Grappa 263
Totale 908.405
Nome #
Il canto del cigno di Socrate: una celebrazione della morte? 3.551
MAUD (Material Analysis Using Diffraction): a user friendly Java program for Rietveld Texture Analysis and more 1.384
Federated Multi-Task Attention for Cross-Individual Human Activity Recognition 889
Lightweight IO virtualization on MPU enabled microcontrollers 861
ENVIFATE: un plugin per QGIS 3 per la valutazione di vari rischi di inquinamento per la valutazione ambientale strategica (VAS) 747
Large Language Models for Sustainable Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: Towards a Pedagogical and Technological Framework 691
Pratiche di conciliazione: tra fluidità del lavoro e trappole di genere 627
The heavy tails of vulnerability exploitation 584
Il concetto di darsena scavata a secco su area privata quale porto (artificiale) privato 566
Predictive manufacturing systems in Industry 4.0: Trends, benefits and challenges 531
A BIM objects library for information exchange in public works: the use of proprietary and open formats 529
Attack potential in impact & complexity 511
Quantitative Assessment of Risk Reduction with Cybercrime Black Market Monitoring 502
Intervento 499
New trends on exploratory methods for data analytics 480
The Work-Averse Attacker Model 471
FOSS version differentiation as a benchmark for static analysis security testing tools 456
Il mito di Eracle al Bivio fra letteratura e iconografia 447
Influence of pores geometry and architecture on collagen 3D assembling 415
Il fiume tra scienza e percezione: l'Adige nella cartografia storica 375
Long-term underwater camera surveillance for monitoring and analysis of fish populations 371
La descrizione del paesaggio nella geografia culturale di Herbert Lehmann 370
Les problèmes interculturels de la traduction des guides touristiques 366
Cultural Accumulation and Improvement in Online Fan Fiction 359
State of the art of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the wine industry 355
An energy neutral wearable camera with EPD display 352
Application of conventional and rapid analytical strategies for hazelnut volatilome characterization 337
Engaging Community in Sustainable Tourism Development in World Heritage Sites. The Case of the Dolomites 335
Combining direct-injection mass spectrometric and chromatographic techniques to investigate hazelnut volatilome evolution during roasting 329
Analyzing the transient response of MOX gas sensors to improve the lifetime of distributed sensing systems 329
Live Video Streaming for Community Networks, Experimenting with PeerStreamer on the Ninux Community 329
Transfer of confidence in a novel observational learning task 316
Behaviour and neural correlates in an implicit confidence task 313
Superdiversità, genitorialità, migrazioni forzate e servizio sociale 303
The effect of counterfactual information on outcome value signal encoding: Evidence for fully-adaptive coding along the rostrocaudal axis of the medial prefrontal cortex 303
Leon Battista Alberti e l'occhio della pittura 296
Neural Representations of Hierarchical Rule Sets: the Human Control System Represents Rules Irrespective of Their Hierarchical Level 296
Acid-base solid surface free energies and the definition of scales in van Oss-Good theory 294
Qualità dello spazio urbano e qualità della vita nelle città alpine 289
The OMRS project: state of the art 289
TRENT2D WG: a smart web infrastructure for debris-flow modelling and hazard assessment 286
Fusion of high and very high density LiDAR data for 3D forest change detection 284
Allegorie della Legge: prosopopea delle leggi e appello alle leggi personificate: un topos retorico (e le sue trasformazioni) dal Critone platonico alla tradizione declamatoria 281
Proteomic visualization of protein targeting to outer membrane vesicles of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 279
Emozioni e servizio sociale: un’esplorazione internazionale 278
0, 1, 2, many - A classroom occupancy monitoring system for smart public buildings 275
Self-Crowdsourcing Training for Relation Extraction 271
Obsolescence of Management Assumptions and Cost Accounting Conceptual Framework 268
Overview of the 3rd Author Profiling Task at PAN 2015 267
The sustainable city and urban air pollution 266
Oltre la lezione frontale. Formare insegnanti competenti attraverso percorsi esperienziali di apprendimento cooperativo 265
Morph-it! a free corpus-based morphological resource for the Italian language 257
ACT-Thor: A Controlled Benchmark for Embodied Action Understanding in Simulated Environments 253
La valle dell'Adige: genesi e modificazione di una grande valle alpina come interazione tra dinamiche naturali e fattori antropici 251
A proposal for a new Background Document of Chapter 8 of Eurocode 8 248
Deep learning approaches for flood classification and flood aftermath detection 245
The notion of social responsibility in social enterprises and non-profit organizations 243
Augmented and virtual reality in cultural heritage: enhancing the visitor experience and satisfaction at the Ara Pacis museum in Rome, Italy 242
A methodology to support decisions towards economic and environmental sustainability in public contexts: application to hand-drying options 242
Screening of environmental impact of pollution with the qgis plugin envifate 242
Diagonal compression test on cross-laminated timber panels 239
CogNet: a Large-Scale Cognate Database 237
Behavioural Modelling of Memristive Devices Targeted to Sensor Interfaces 236
Why We Need a Text and Data Mining Exception (But it is Not Enough) 231
An incremental turn-taking model for task-oriented dialog systems 229
Subversive participatory design: Reflections on a case study 229
ABUSE: the dark side of human-computer interaction 228
Incremental Linearization: A practical approach to Satisfiability Modulo Nonlinear Arithmetic and Transcendental Functions 228
From Secure Business Process Modeling to Design-Level Security Verification 220
Collaborative Partitioning for Coreference Resolution 220
Communication-based Collision Avoidance between Vulnerable Road Users and Cars 215
Seismic behavior of connections for buildings in CLT 214
Model of scalable future consumer grid with residential power routing 214
Psycholinguistics meets Continual Learning: Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Visual Question Answering 214
“SKIES OF MANAWAK”: Un videogioco per il training neurocognitivo 213
Instrumental Broadening Determination for XRD Profile Analysis 211
Environmental advantages of treatment plants generating biomethane from food waste 211
Mental Imagery for Intelligent Vehicles 210
A characterization of injection, transport an excitation mechanisms in Si-nc based MOS-LEDs 206
Saccades reset temporal integration windows 205
Optimized Cooperative Streaming in Wireless Mesh Networks 204
Confronto della resistenza all’idrolisi di elastomeri poliuretanici a base di poliestere e polietere 201
Industrial waste heat recovery strategies in urban contexts: A performance comparison 201
Requirements for a file format for smart musical instruments 201
Multi-source Multi-domain Sentiment Analysis with BERT-based Models 200
Making Computer and Normative Codes Converge: A Sociotechnical Approach to Smart Cities 199
Privacy for Peer Profiling in Collective Adaptive Systems 199
Montale e la teologia della briciola 198
Multi-scale Continuous CRFs as Sequential Deep Networks for Monocular Depth Estimation 198
Building a shared world: Mapping distributional to model-theoretic semantic spaces 198
Autonomous Vehicle Architecture Inspired by the Neurocognition of Human Driving 197
A Single-Model Approach for Arabic Segmentation, POS-Tagging and Named Entity Recognition 197
Portable embedded systems for prosthetic interface stress mapping of lower limbs amputees 196
Il viaggio a Roma di Brunelleschi e Donatello nel racconto delle fonti 196
Riti di iniziazione in Grecia antica? Un terreno d’indagine interdisciplinare 195
Neuro-civilization: a New Form of Social Enhancement 195
EU 2020 targets for household waste: SC, SRF and BMT roles 193
Spatio-temporal VLAD encoding for human action recognition in videos 193
Totale 35.739

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202086.365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.295 28.639 16.161 9.575 15.695
2020/2021171.744 5.720 21.910 5.821 23.180 19.321 14.995 15.445 8.095 16.526 8.051 20.094 12.586
2021/2022166.458 3.965 30.028 1.379 6.970 7.526 4.561 4.831 40.228 7.021 9.146 13.158 37.645
2022/2023236.915 36.841 22.134 5.255 31.670 29.451 36.945 1.451 18.583 31.207 3.322 13.732 6.324
2023/2024109.397 8.058 10.124 6.934 5.093 9.672 21.430 7.889 9.264 1.469 6.516 6.145 16.803
2024/2025198.079 4.747 4.259 19.207 76.251 28.652 53.431 10.974 558 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.261.551