04.2 Abstract in atti di convegno (Abstract in Proceedings)
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 60.443
EU - Europa 20.238
AS - Asia 13.273
AF - Africa 911
OC - Oceania 306
SA - Sud America 251
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 43
Totale 95.465
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 59.965
SG - Singapore 7.727
IT - Italia 6.428
CN - Cina 2.809
SE - Svezia 2.783
UA - Ucraina 2.709
DE - Germania 1.973
FI - Finlandia 1.839
GB - Regno Unito 1.148
BG - Bulgaria 958
VN - Vietnam 779
CM - Camerun 720
FR - Francia 439
CA - Canada 415
RU - Federazione Russa 364
TR - Turchia 351
NL - Olanda 331
IN - India 302
ID - Indonesia 277
AU - Australia 214
HK - Hong Kong 194
ES - Italia 162
BE - Belgio 140
CH - Svizzera 119
AT - Austria 115
JO - Giordania 108
BR - Brasile 107
JP - Giappone 100
GR - Grecia 99
IR - Iran 91
IE - Irlanda 90
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 90
IL - Israele 87
PT - Portogallo 85
KR - Corea 78
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 70
ZA - Sudafrica 65
NO - Norvegia 53
DK - Danimarca 51
MY - Malesia 49
PH - Filippine 47
PL - Polonia 47
RO - Romania 45
TW - Taiwan 45
CL - Cile 42
EU - Europa 39
PK - Pakistan 39
AR - Argentina 35
CO - Colombia 35
LT - Lituania 34
TH - Thailandia 34
HU - Ungheria 28
MX - Messico 28
HR - Croazia 23
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 22
EE - Estonia 19
PE - Perù 18
SA - Arabia Saudita 18
PR - Porto Rico 17
BD - Bangladesh 16
DZ - Algeria 16
MA - Marocco 16
RS - Serbia 16
SI - Slovenia 16
NP - Nepal 15
EG - Egitto 14
IQ - Iraq 13
AZ - Azerbaigian 12
KZ - Kazakistan 12
NG - Nigeria 12
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 12
AM - Armenia 11
KE - Kenya 11
TN - Tunisia 11
GH - Ghana 10
LU - Lussemburgo 10
PA - Panama 9
BO - Bolivia 7
LK - Sri Lanka 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
KH - Cambogia 5
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 4
BJ - Benin 4
EC - Ecuador 4
ET - Etiopia 4
GE - Georgia 4
IS - Islanda 4
LB - Libano 4
LV - Lettonia 4
SN - Senegal 4
UG - Uganda 4
CR - Costa Rica 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
MD - Moldavia 3
MU - Mauritius 3
PS - Palestinian Territory 3
TZ - Tanzania 3
AL - Albania 2
BW - Botswana 2
Totale 95.421
Città #
Chandler 11.827
Singapore 6.173
Jacksonville 6.107
Columbus 3.894
Ashburn 3.231
Princeton 3.108
Ann Arbor 2.918
Fairfield 2.847
San Mateo 2.569
Wilmington 2.492
Woodbridge 1.710
Beijing 1.302
Seattle 1.264
Houston 1.055
Sofia 951
Cambridge 943
New York 899
Helsinki 855
Trento 824
Dearborn 802
Boardman 676
Dong Ket 508
Lawrence 423
Rome 421
Milan 418
Santa Clara 315
Norwalk 266
Los Angeles 255
Jakarta 243
Izmir 235
Moscow 232
San Diego 227
Düsseldorf 223
Washington 212
Fremont 199
Verona 197
Des Moines 195
Falls Church 192
Munich 181
Bremen 162
Toronto 159
Dallas 154
Andover 137
London 128
Hefei 124
Turin 122
Nanjing 121
Padova 117
Montréal 114
Shanghai 108
Bologna 105
Mcallen 97
Naples 96
Kunming 93
Guangzhou 90
Bolzano 83
Hong Kong 81
Como 78
Palermo 70
Florence 69
Melbourne 67
Dublin 65
Uhlingen-Birkendorf 65
Vienna 60
Genoa 59
Amsterdam 55
Brussels 54
Athens 53
Bari 52
Phoenix 50
Ottawa 49
Sydney 49
Jinan 47
Porto 46
Redmond 46
Frankfurt am Main 45
Paris 44
Berlin 43
Brescia 43
Tokyo 43
San Michele All'adige 42
Shenzhen 41
Brno 40
Madrid 38
Nanchang 38
Lappeenranta 37
Pisa 37
Trieste 37
West Jordan 37
San Jose 36
Catania 35
Ankara 34
Salerno 33
Zurich 33
Auckland 32
Fuzhou 32
Nuremberg 32
Costa Mesa 31
Newark 31
Pune 31
Totale 65.439
Nome #
ENVIFATE: un plugin per QGIS 3 per la valutazione di vari rischi di inquinamento per la valutazione ambientale strategica (VAS) 674
FOSS version differentiation as a benchmark for static analysis security testing tools 452
Application of conventional and rapid analytical strategies for hazelnut volatilome characterization 335
Combining direct-injection mass spectrometric and chromatographic techniques to investigate hazelnut volatilome evolution during roasting 326
Behaviour and neural correlates in an implicit confidence task 303
The effect of counterfactual information on outcome value signal encoding: Evidence for fully-adaptive coding along the rostrocaudal axis of the medial prefrontal cortex 300
Neural Representations of Hierarchical Rule Sets: the Human Control System Represents Rules Irrespective of Their Hierarchical Level 294
Acid-base solid surface free energies and the definition of scales in van Oss-Good theory 292
TRENT2D WG: a smart web infrastructure for debris-flow modelling and hazard assessment 254
Oltre la lezione frontale. Formare insegnanti competenti attraverso percorsi esperienziali di apprendimento cooperativo 245
Emozioni e servizio sociale: un’esplorazione internazionale 237
Superdiversità, genitorialità, migrazioni forzate e servizio sociale 231
Why We Need a Text and Data Mining Exception (But it is Not Enough) 215
“SKIES OF MANAWAK”: Un videogioco per il training neurocognitivo 211
Saccades reset temporal integration windows 202
Instrumental Broadening Determination for XRD Profile Analysis 190
Guess what? comparing ad-hoc and scalar implicatures in children with autism spectrum disorder 171
Analisi tridimensionale delle rotte di migrazione degli uccelli 151
Perisaccadic perception: temporal unmasking or spatial uncrowding? 149
Functional analysis of CDKN2A/p16INK4a 5 ' UTR variants predisposing to melanoma 144
Structural characterization of the STAS domain of prestin. 140
GEOTRANSF: a continuous non-linear hydrological model 139
Functional integration between the anterior hippocampus and inferior frontal cortex is impaired in both schizophrenia and the 'at risk mental state' 139
Teaching Participatory Design 138
Superdiversity, parenthood, forced migration and social work 136
Dalla cura della relazione al successo formativo nella scuola secondaria multiculturale 133
Ruolo e qualità del servizio sociale nelle attività di tutela dei minori. Il processo di una ricerca partecipata promossa dal Consiglio Nazionale degli assistenti sociali e realizzata dalla Fondazione Nazionale degli Assistenti sociali 131
The influence of pre-stimulus brain oscillations on the visual sense of number: an MEG study 130
Facilitare competenze sociali per il benessere nella classe. Un’indagine qualitativa nella scuola primaria 129
P166 Evidence for state dependent direct effects of alpha band transcranial alternating current stimulation 127
Building cell-like structures from the bottom-up 125
Researching ethics in social work 125
Anticipating the impact of climatic changes on future availability of water resources and hydro-geological risks: an overview from the project CLIMAWARE 124
Modern machine-learning tools for crystallography 123
A comparison approach to explain risks related to x-ray imaging for scoliosis 122
Achieving the mid-low end of the LISA band 120
Big Data from Space for Precision Agriculture Applications 119
Microscopic calculation of the 4He(e,e'p)3H reaction 118
Open-field vibrational mating disruption: The effect on leafhopper pests and vineyard ecosystem 118
Age moderates the effects of WDQ factors on job attitudes 116
Estimating oxygen uptake in cycling using neural network analysis of easy-to-obtain inputs 116
Continuous flash suppression effectiveness depends on mask temporal frequency 115
Spatially-specific repetition suppression in transsaccadic perception 115
Object-based perception of orientation in the Ternus-Pikler display 115
Giocando si impara: i giochi di Findhorn come strumento di crescita personale e professionale per gli insegnanti 114
Collecting memories of the museum experience 113
Nanocomposite photonic glasses, waveguiding glass ceramics and confined structures tailoring Er3+ spectroscopic properties 112
When care leavers become teachers. A project to enhance chances of participation for children in care 112
A framework to investigate instabilities of homogeneous andcomposite dielectric elastomer actuators 111
Designing a facilitator's cockpit for an idea management system 110
Enhanced soft dielectric composite generators: the role of ceramic fillers 110
Auto-inhibitory assembly of protein kinase CK2 revealed by X-ray crystallography. 110
Accuracy of high-resolution gridded precipitation and temperature datasets in the Alps: evaluation by hydrological modelling in the Adige catchment (Italy) 110
Quantitative Fiber Diffraction: from polymers to composites 109
"Emotions and “bonsai” micro-stories in social work practice and education” 109
4-mass torsion pendulum for ground testing of LISA displacement sensors 108
Analisi delle espressioni di sorriso e distress in un gruppo di grandi pretermine 108
The anatomical pathways underlying spatial versus non-spatial attention 108
MicroRNA-based, p53 dependent post-transcriptional circuits: mechanisms, targets and inter-individual variation 107
Continuous monitoring of PD with an affordable novel computerised motor test based on a tablet 107
Accounting for subjective time expansion based on a decision, rather than perceptual, mechanism 107
Studying diquark correlations in the nucleon by means of lattice QCD simulations 106
Play and emotional availability in young children with Down syndrome 105
Representations of parenting in high conflict families: professionals and parents views 105
Application of the LIT method to electron scattering off 4He 104
Characterization of the thermal structure inside an urban canyon: field measurements and validation of a simple model. 104
Ab-initio calculation of the 4He(e,e'd)d reaction 104
Costruire competenze sociali in contesti scolastici complessi. Una sfida possibile? 104
Paternal autistic traits are predictive of infants visual attention. 104
Flavopiridol binding to P-TEFb (CDK9/cyclin T1) 104
Integrated quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) model of lysosomal diseases provides an innovative computational platform to support research and therapeutic development for the sphingolipidoses 104
Selective attention in two hemispheres: How basic is the bilateral field advantage in object processing? 103
Brain Modulation during transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation recorded with Magnetoencephalography 103
Deconstructing ageing stereotypes through Participatory Design: a Design Anthropology perspective. 103
Instantons, diquarks and large N(c) limit. 102
A climatological analysis of the “Ora del Garda” wind in the Alps 102
The effectiveness of health care professionals using online pain resources: a systematic review of educational intervention studies 102
Interactive comic-based digital storytelling for self-expression 102
Convergence of integrated superpositions of Ornstein Uhlenbeck processes to fractional Brownian motion 101
Electrophysiological signatures of temporal segregation and integration of visual information - an MEG study 101
Browsing gene banks for Fe2S2 ferredoxins and structural modeling of 87 plant-type sequences: an analysis of fold and function 100
Paternal autistic traits are predictive of infants visual attention. 100
Temporal expansion, more information: the role of subjectively distorted time in information accrual 100
Incorporation of a 3N-force in the effective interaction hyperspherical harmonic approach 99
MicroRNA-based, p53 dependent post-transcriptional circuits: mechanisms, targets and inter-individual variation 99
Results From the Merenda Cross Over Trial: Evaluating the Effect of Brand on Ad Libitum Snacking After School Free Time. 99
Effect of bar topography on hyporheic flow in gravel-bed rivers 99
Backbone Assignment of Gyrase-B P24 Fragment and Its Interactions with the Inhibitor GR122222 99
Differential Attacks: Using Alternative Operations 99
Consequences of reduced representational distinctiveness and temporal instability on reading accuracy in patients with dysgraphia due to orthographic short-term memory damage: A new case and a literature review. 98
Violenza e aggressioni contro gli assistenti sociali: comprensione e prevenzione di un fenomeno in aumento 98
Effect of early paternal caregiving and genotype rs25531 polymorphisms on the adult relationship with the partner 98
Microstructure of surface-tailored platinum nanocrystals 97
Explaining water temperature changes in Lake Superior by means of a simple lumped model 97
Dedicated signal processing for lung ultrasound imaging: Can we see what we hear? 97
Ground based 2 DoF test for LISA and LISA pathfinder: a status report 96
Algebraic description of n-alkane molecules 95
Balancing wood market demand and common property rights: a case study of a community in the Italian Alps 95
Historical maps and geo-historical sources for boundary problems representation. Useful cooperation in Trentino region 95
Totale 14.198

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20207.909 0 0 0 0 0 1.022 1.759 724 1.510 1.350 807 737
2020/202110.885 375 1.252 201 1.364 1.277 1.055 768 359 1.083 402 1.381 1.368
2021/202213.418 166 2.351 79 358 751 246 340 3.414 535 564 1.148 3.466
2022/202322.788 3.634 2.181 745 2.995 2.575 3.537 149 1.671 2.912 360 1.381 648
2023/202413.581 887 1.037 795 679 1.789 2.261 880 1.244 239 871 859 2.040
2024/202515.717 771 647 2.305 8.226 3.418 350 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 99.197