Moretti, Valter
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.571
EU - Europa 1.386
AS - Asia 729
SA - Sud America 97
AF - Africa 7
OC - Oceania 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 6.793
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.555
IT - Italia 599
SG - Singapore 499
UA - Ucraina 204
SE - Svezia 177
CN - Cina 159
FI - Finlandia 103
BR - Brasile 87
GB - Regno Unito 74
BG - Bulgaria 52
RU - Federazione Russa 47
DE - Germania 43
ID - Indonesia 29
NL - Olanda 15
FR - Francia 14
BE - Belgio 11
CA - Canada 10
TR - Turchia 9
ES - Italia 8
AT - Austria 6
IN - India 6
PL - Polonia 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
IE - Irlanda 4
MX - Messico 4
CL - Cile 3
EC - Ecuador 3
GR - Grecia 3
IR - Iran 3
LT - Lituania 3
AR - Argentina 2
AU - Australia 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
GE - Georgia 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
MA - Marocco 2
MD - Moldavia 2
NP - Nepal 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BO - Bolivia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EG - Egitto 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HN - Honduras 1
IS - Islanda 1
JM - Giamaica 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
RO - Romania 1
TN - Tunisia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 6.793
Città #
Fairfield 557
Jacksonville 439
Chandler 404
Singapore 311
Ann Arbor 298
Woodbridge 283
Ashburn 274
Seattle 233
San Mateo 232
Santa Clara 219
Houston 199
Cambridge 198
Wilmington 194
Columbus 193
Trento 160
Princeton 132
Beijing 53
Sofia 52
Helsinki 41
Milan 41
Lawrence 36
Moscow 36
San Diego 35
New York 34
Dearborn 31
Jakarta 29
Fremont 28
London 27
Rome 24
Boardman 17
Verona 17
Council Bluffs 16
Como 14
Norwalk 13
Los Angeles 11
Bologna 10
Kilburn 10
Antwerp 9
Falkenstein 9
Izmir 9
Guangzhou 8
Hefei 8
Naples 8
Pavia 8
São Paulo 8
Bassano del Grappa 7
Dallas 7
Falls Church 7
Jinan 7
Kunming 7
Napoli 7
San Paolo di Civitate 7
Tavagnacco 7
Amsterdam 6
Bozen 6
Paris 6
Parma 6
Phoenix 6
Vicenza 6
Andover 5
Cadelbosco di Sopra 5
Genoa 5
Nuremberg 5
Shanghai 5
Tashkent 5
Toronto 5
Trieste 5
Vienna 5
Barcelona 4
Chiusa 4
Dublin 4
Düsseldorf 4
Modena 4
Nanjing 4
Poggiomarino 4
San Giovanni Lupatoto 4
Udine 4
Bonndorf 3
Castello Molina di Fiemme 3
Chicago 3
Florence 3
Klausen 3
Las Vegas 3
Levico Terme 3
Lodz 3
Manaus 3
North Bergen 3
North Charleston 3
Ottawa 3
Piombino 3
Povo 3
Rio de Janeiro 3
San Giovanni 3
San Martino Buon Albergo 3
Almenno San Bartolomeo 2
Arapiraca 2
Avellino 2
Belo Horizonte 2
Bratislava 2
Brisbane 2
Totale 5.204
Nome #
Single-Particle Entanglement 150
Continuous slice functional calculus in quaternionic Hilbert spaces 133
Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics: Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theories, Symmetries and Introduction to the Algebraic Formulation 126
Analytic Dependence is an Unnecessary Requirement in Renormalization of Locally Covariant QFT 125
Analytic Aspects of Quantum Fields. 122
Quantum theory in quaternionic Hilbert space: How Poincaré symmetry reduces the theory to the standard complex one 122
Black hole horizons and thermodynamics: a quantum approach 119
On Wick polynomials of boson fields in locally covariant algebraic QFT 115
Frame functions in finite-dimensional quantum mechanics and its Hamiltonian formulation on complex projective spaces 115
From Classical Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory. A Tutorial 114
The correct formulation of Gleason's theorem in quaternionic Hilbert spaces 109
Bose-Einstein condensate and spontaneous breaking of conformal symmetry on killing horizons 107
null 105
Generalized complex spherical harmonics, frame functions, and Gleason theorem 103
Quantum theory in real Hilbert space: How the complex Hilbert space structure emerges from Poincaré symmetry 103
Spectral representations of normal operators in quaternionic Hilbert spaces via intertwining quaternionic PVMs 102
Canonical Quantization of Photons in a Rindler Wedge 101
Entropy certification of a realistic quantum random-number generator based on single-particle entanglement 100
Aspects of noncommutative Lorentzian geometry for globally hyperbolic spacetimes 99
Spectral properties of compact normal quaternionic operators 99
Comments on the stress-energy tensor operator in curved spacetime 98
A review on recent results of the z-function regularization procedure in curved space-time 96
Fundamental Mathematical Structures of Quantum Theory: Spectral Theory, Foundational Issues, Symmetries, Algebraic Formulation 95
Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics: an advanced short course 93
Hadamard States from Light-like Hypersurfaces 92
On recent strategies proposed for proving the Riemann hypothesis 91
Cosmological horizons and reconstruction of quantum field theories 91
Rigorous construction and Hadamard property of the Unruh state in Schwarzschild spacetime 90
Virasoro algebra with central charge c=1 on the horizon of a two-dimensional-Rindler space-time 89
null 89
Slice Functional Calculus in Quaternionic Hilbert Spaces 85
Thermal Wightman functions and renormalized stress tensors in the Rindler wedge. 85
Bulk-boundary asymptotic equivalence of two strict deformation quantizations 83
Euclidean Thermal Green Functions of Photons in Generalized Euclidean Rindler Spaces for any Feynman-like gauge 82
null 81
Distinguished Quantum States in a Class of Cosmological Spacetimes and their Hadamard Property 80
Thermal partition function of photons and gravitons in a Rindler wedge 77
On the stress–energy tensor of quantum fields in curved spacetimes—comparison of different regularization schemes and symmetry of the Hadamard/Seeley–DeWitt coefficients 77
Mass operator and dynamical implementation of mass superselection rule 77
How can we determine if a spacetime is flat? 76
Quantum scalar field on the massless (2+1)-dimensional black hole background 76
An operational construction of the sum of two non-commuting observables in quantum theory and related constructions 76
Chernoff Approximations for Feller Semigroups in Riemannian Manifolds 74
Rigorous steps towards holography in asymptotically flat spacetimes 73
Topological features of massive bosons on two-dimensional Einstein space-time 73
One-loop stress-tensor renormalization in curved background: the relation between z-function and point-splitting approaches, and an improved point-splitting procedure 72
Teoria spettrale e meccanica quantistica: operatori in spazi di Hilbert 72
"Tunnelling" black-hole radiation with phi^3 self-interaction: one-loop computation for Rindler Killing horizons 72
Quantum Physics and Geometry 71
Bose-Einstein condensate and spontaneous breaking of conformal symmetryon killing horizons II 70
Analytical Mechanics: Classical, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics, Stability Theory, Special Relativity 69
Aspects of Hidden and manifest SL(2,R) symmetry in 2D near horizon black hole background 69
A Bisognano-Wichmann-like Theorem in a certain case of Non Bifurcate Event Horizon related to an Extreme Reisner-Nordstroem Black Hole 66
Optical Approach for the thermal Partition Function of Photons 65
Introduction 64
State independence for tunneling processes through black hole horizons and Hawking radiation 63
null 63
Meccanica Analitica: Meccanica Classica, Meccanica Lagrangiana e Hamiltoniana e Teoria della Stabilità 61
Holography and conformal symmetry near black hole horizons 59
The classical limit for Schroedinger operators in the framework of Berezin quantization and spontaneous symmetry breaking as emergent phenomenon 59
Holography and SL(2,R) symmetry in 2D Rindler space-time 58
Spectral theory and quantum mechanics with an introduction to the algebraic formulation 58
Zeta function regularization and one loop renormalization of field fluctuations in curved space-times 57
On the global Hadamard parametrix in QFT and the signed squared geodesic distance defined in domains larger than convex normal neighbourhoods 56
Wightman Functions' Behaviour on the Horizon of an ExtremalReisner-Nordstr¿m Black Hole 55
Hidden and manifest SL(2,R) symmetry in 2D near horizon black hole background 54
Quantum field theories in curved spacetime 53
The interplay of the polar decomposition theorem and the Lorentz group 53
null 51
Quantum out-states states holographically induced by asymptotic flatness: invariance under spacetime symmetries, energy positivity and Hadamard property 50
Some recent rigorous results about QFT on the null boundary of asymptotically flat spacetimes 47
Direct z-function approach and renormalization of one-loop stress tensor in curved spacetimes 47
Local zeta function techniques vs point splitting procedures: a few rigorous risults 44
Local zeta-functions, stress-energy tensor, field fluctuations, and all that, in curved static spacetime 43
Proof of the symmetry of the off-diagonal heat-kernel and Hadamard's expansion coefficients in general smooth Riemannian manifolds 40
Geometric entropy and curvature coupling in conical spaces: z-function approach 39
On the Relativistic Spatial Localization for massive real scalar Klein-Gordon quantum particles 38
null 38
Generation of quantum-certified random numbers using on-chip path-entangled single photons from an LED 37
The interplay of conformal invariance, quantum field theory near the horizon of a 2D-black hole and holography 36
Proof of the symmetry of the off-diagonal Hadamard/Seeley-deWitt's coefficients in smooth Lorentzian manifolds by a local Wick rotation 36
Uniqueness theorems for BMS-invariant states of scalar QFT on the null boundary of asymptotically flat spacetimes and bulk-boundary observable algebra correspondence 36
Algebraic QFT in Curved Spacetime and quasifree Hadamard states: an introduction 33
The Quantization of Proca Fields on Globally Hyperbolic Spacetimes: Hadamard States and Møller Operators 30
Meccanica Analitica: Meccanica Classica, Meccanica Lagrangiana, Hamiltoniana, Teoria della Stabilità, Relatività Speciale 28
Quantum particle localization observables on Cauchy surfaces of Minkowski spacetime and their causal properties 26
Paracausal Deformations of Lorentzian Metrics and Møller Isomorphisms in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory 26
QFT holography near the horizon of Schwarzschild-like spacetimes 25
Addendum to: Bose-Einstein Condensate and Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry on Killing Horizons, J. Math. Phys. 46, 062303 (2005) 22
Bose-Einstein condensation and Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry on Killing Horizons 21
Holography and Conformal Symmetry near black hole horizons 18
Holography, SL(2,R) symmetry, Virasoro algebra and all that in Rindler spacetime 18
Quantum Thermodynamics of Black Hole Horizons 17
Topological Features of Massive Bosons on Two Dimensional Einstein Space-Time. I: Spatial Approach 15
Cosmological horizons and reconstruction of quantum field theories 15
Totale 7.016
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.397
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 466
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.990
Totale 40.853

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 54 54 80
2020/20211.061 24 100 35 120 97 92 71 58 105 83 232 44
2021/20221.091 83 131 13 30 56 41 44 283 43 86 116 165
2022/2023900 111 72 19 112 109 141 8 73 112 20 78 45
2023/2024531 24 57 28 29 53 73 45 31 10 34 33 114
2024/20251.422 64 32 145 422 178 283 112 128 58 0 0 0
Totale 7.123