Larentis, Omar
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 45
EU - Europa 13
NA - Nord America 12
Totale 70
Nazione #
CN - Cina 28
SG - Singapore 16
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11
AT - Austria 5
DE - Germania 4
CA - Canada 1
CH - Svizzera 1
FI - Finlandia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IT - Italia 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 70
Città #
Singapore 15
Shenzhen 10
Nanjing 6
Shijiazhuang 6
Santa Clara 5
Ashburn 4
Vienna 3
Xiamen 3
Council Bluffs 1
Helsinki 1
Hong Kong 1
Montreal 1
Nuremberg 1
Predazzo 1
Zurich 1
Totale 59
Nome #
Digging Deeper 12
The crypt of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Vercelli: a multidisciplinary approach to the study of an 18th-19th century funeral context 8
Strange remains in strange places: diagnostic criteria to identify teratomas 8
A probable case of spinal tuberculosis. The 18th-20th century concealed body of Azzio, Varese, Northwestern Italy 8
Burials in the Horn of Africa. New data from the latest archaeological campaign in Adulis, Eritrea 8
Violent death: paleo-forensic study of a case of multiple sharp-force trauma from medieval Lombardy (Italy) 7
Un cacciatore sfortunato. Analisi interdisciplinare di una lesione in una vertebra di Cervus elaphus L. rinvenuta all’Isolino Virginia (5300-900 a.C.) 7
The petrifcation by Gorini: histological investigations on the preservation status of the skin 6
From paleopathological issues to the re-excavation of the cemetery area of Saint Agostine in Caravate (Varese) 5
Marcatori muscolo-scheletrici, interpretazione di un gruppo umano del VI d.C. La chiesa dei Santi Ippolito e Cassiano a Riva del Garda (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italia) 4
Mortui viventes docent. L'esposizione di resti umani tra storia, etica e antropologia 3
Funerary rite and body treatment in the ancient town of Adulis, Eritrea 3
Un nuovo complesso episcopale nel Corno d’Africa di età tardo antica? Gli scavi del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana ad Adulis (Eritrea): 2018–2020 3
Biomechanical and kinesiological analyses of a femur fracture in paleopathology: reconstruction of injury mechanisms, care and functional outcomes 2
Archeologia, antropologia e isotopi. Le sepolture di San Martino di Lundo nel Trentino occidentale 2
A pathological diagnosis of kyphosis in the case of the concealed corpse - the skeleton of Azzio’s Crypt 2
A possible case of biparietal osteodystrophy from the medieval church of Sant’agostino, Caravate, Varese (Northwestern Italy) 2
The medieval Church of Saint Peter and Paul (Brentonico, Northeast Italy). Anthropological analysis and archaeological investigations 2
La tomba numero due della chiesa di San Michele in Mornago (VA): indagine archeologica e antropologica 2
Preliminary anthropological and historical investigation of the Saint Cristopher Church in Pian di Marte, Italy (18th-19th century) 1
Green Pass versus Health Faiths. To travel in confidence with public health 1
Body petrification in Italy. Another recipe of the 19th century revealed 1
Toward the valorization of our anthropological and paleopathological heritage. The musealization of the osteoarchaeological contexts 1
A New Episcopal Complex in the Late Antique Horn of Africa? The Excavations of the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology in Adulis (Eritrea): 2018-2020 [Un nuovo complesso episcopale nel Corno d’Africa di età tardo antica? Gli scavi del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana ad Adulis (Eritrea): 2018–2020] 1
Rituali e riti funerari della Civiltà celtica di Golasecca 1
A possible case of orbital osteomyelitis from a medieval church in Valcuvia (Varese, Northwest Italy) 1
Five brains of alienated criminals. Neurological investigations of early twentieth century criminal anthropology 1
A case of acromegaly from the past. A diagnosis published in 1897 1
A probable case of subligamentous tuberculous spondylitis: the concealed body of the Late Modern Period (early 16th century to early 20th century), Franciscan crypt of St. Anthony and St. Eusebius church, Lombardy, Italy 1
A possible case of orbital osteomyelitis from the medieval cemetery of Sant’ Agostino in Caravate (Varese, Northern Italy) 1
Pathological evidences from medieval samples. The subjects of Saint Pietro and Paolo church in Brentonico 1
Analisi antropologica delle cremazioni della collezione Bellini 1
Heterogenic transfusion in Italy. Historical review of a medical practice 1
Paleopathological evidence of Legg-Calve’-Perthes from the medieval cemetery of St. Agostino in Caravate, Northwestern Italy 1
Human, all too human: differentiating non-human from human bones in protohistoric cremation contexts from northern Italy 1
Cranial selection in the cremated remains of the Iron Age Golasecca Celtic Civilization (Northwestern Italy, 9-4th century BCE) 1
Osteological evidence of metabolic diseases from a post medieval North Italy archaeological site 1
Cameri, località Cascina Argine. Rinvenimento di sepoltura golasecchiana 1
A case of Concha Bullosa and potentially related evidences. Concha bullosa discovered in the bones of a medieval skeleton from Brentonico, Northeast Italy: a case report 1
Show Me the Shape of your Face and i Will Tell You What Crime You Have Committed 1
Nuovi aspetti di ritualità funeraria golasecchiana in recenti rinvenimenti da via Marconi a Sesto Calende. Analisi antropologica dei resti cremati 1
Anthropological and paleopathological analysis of the human remains from a medieval church in Valcuvia (Varese, Northwester Italy) 1
Economics and Human Biology. Active acceleration in pediatric growth and development: explanation provided by economic theory 1
Is there any scientific imbalance in the academic education of the physician? 1
Via Montrucco 2003. Analisi antropologica sulle cremazioni 1
History of use and abuse of X-ray: the early 20th century Italian pediatrics school 1
Radiology of Mummies 1
The "Mummy of Erba": A study proposal for the analysis of a mummified Egyptian specimen 1
Defects-related early childhood caries as hints of possible maternal–fetal health issues: Evidence from medieval northern Italy 1
Le campagne del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana ad Adulis (Eritrea): scavi 2018 e 2019 1
Medicine education through a gender lens 1
Actuality and originality in the scientific thought of Enrico Morselli (1852-1929) 1
Murderers’ skulls. A diagnosis of criminal anthropology on degenerative atavistic traits 1
Probable micronutrient deficiency diseases in a rural community. The nonadults of Mary’s Nativity church, 16th century, Trentino Alto-Adige, Italy 1
Analisi osteologiche di contesti protogolasecchiani e golasecchiani nel territorio di Varese. Nuovi dati 1
Osteological Evidence of Possible Tuberculosis from the Early Medieval Age (6th–11th Century), Northern Italy 1
A case of erosive polyarthropathy from Medieval northern Italy (12th–13th centuries) 1
Human bodies for the life: Changing law in italy for post mortem donation 1
A possible case of “kissing” osteochondroma and multiple enchondromas in a medieval skeleton from the church of Sant’ Agostino in Caravate (Northern Italy) 1
Multiple Abnormalities in the Skull of a Prostitute. An Autopsy Report (1900) 1
“Mummies outside their closets”. Paleoradiological investigation of Egyptian mummified remains 1
To Save a Corpse from Decomposition - the Purpose of Petrification in the Second Half of the 19th Century 1
A probable case of Skeletal Fluorosis from the medieval church of “Dell’Assunta”, Smarano, Trento, northeastern Italy 1
Bioarcheology in northwest Italy. Our experience 1
Could the study of ancient human remains help the modern clinic? Interpreting multiple osteomas, a difficult challenge 1
Anthropological analyses of the Modern era-mummified human remains discovered in the Santa Maria del Monte sanctuary, Varese province, Italy 1
Un probabile caso di paraplegia all'ombra dell'epidemia di tifo in Centro Italia 1
Adulis. Antico "hub" sul Mar Rosso 1
Pietro Pacifico Gamondi (1914-1993), tropical physician and ethnologist. A protagonist of medical research in the middle of the 20th century 1
Mummified remains in the field of forensics. The comparison of a 19th century case report with current cases 1
A Severe Case of Biparietal Thinning in a Medieval Skull From a Northern Italy Necropolis 1
An age-related disease or a biocultural marker? Osteoarthritis of the foot in the modern era Franciscan community of Azzio (17th-18th century BCE) 1
Exhumation, from tomb violation to immortality strategy 1
Elongated styloid process of an autopsied skull from the Cemetery of Santa Maria Maggiore in Vercelli, 18th–19th century (Piedmont, northern Italy) 1
San Martino di Lundo (Trento) Grave 1. Case study of an individual introducing possibilities markers of horse riding 1
A possible case of tuberculosis from a medieval site in northeast Italy. The infant of the Immacolata and San Zenone church, Tassullo, Trentino 1
Tourism in the time of coronavirus. Fruition of the “minor heritage” through the development of bioarchaeological sites - a proposal 1
Overcoming doubt in vaccinations. The end justifies the means? 1
Dwarfism-related skeletal dysplasia in Italy. Multi-analytic study of 8th century CE human remains from Azzio (Varese) and biocultural implications of a pathology 1
For an archaeology of religious identity in adulis (Eritrea) and the horn of Africa: Sources, architecture, and recent archaeological excavations 1
Application of Biomechanics and Gait Analysis in a Late Middle Ages femur fracture 1
Angelo Mosso (1846–1910). Brain’s rule in physiognomic. A new face of pathological diagnosis 1
A new medieval case of rheumatoid arthritis-like polyarthropathy from the cemetery of San Biagio in Cittiglio (Northern Italy) 1
Between medicine and faith. The history of the alleged blessed alberto besozzi and the authenticity of his relics 1
Infectious disease in asylums: a fact-finding investigation to prevent tuberculosis contagion in the early twentieth century in Italy 1
Paleopathological and paleoradiological investigation of the Egyptian embalmed head from the Civic Archaeological Museum of Erba (Como) 1
Totale 161
Categoria #
all - tutte 462
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 462

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2022/20231 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
2023/20242 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
2024/2025158 1 0 3 1 5 148 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 161