Dellantonio, Sara
Dellantonio, Sara
Psicologia e scienze cognitive (29/10/12-)
Anger Issues: The Nature and Complexity of Emotions and Emotional Valence
2021-01-01 Pastore, Luigi; Dellantonio, Sara
Cognizione, affetti, giudizi: un resoconto problematico
2021-01-01 Dellantonio, S.; Pastore, L.
Constructs and Operational Definitions in Psychology When Assessment Misrepresents the Phenomenon: ‘Alexithymia’ as a Case Study
2024-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara; Pastore, Luigi
Die Kultur in der Sprache. Eine kognitive Interpretation des sprachlichen Determinismus
2011-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
2010-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
Filosofia della psicologia
2019-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
Filosofia e scienze cognitive
2012-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
Freedom and Moral Judgment. A Cognitive Model of Permissibility
2014-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara; Pastore, L.
How can you be sure? Epistemic feelings as a monitoring system for cognitive contents
2019-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara; Pastore, Luigi
Il naturalismo cognitivo e l’enciclopedismo come futuro della filosofia
2018-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
2010-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara; L., Pastore
Kognitionswissenschaften und menschliche Natur: Diskussion eines Fallbeispiels
2007-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
Kognitive Module und moralische Kompetenz: ist es möglich, der Moral eine biologische Grundlage zu geben?
2010-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
Mente e natura (I)
2006-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
Modelling scientific un/certainty. why argumentation strategies trump linguistic markers use
2016-01-01 Pastore, Luigi; Dellantonio, Sara
Moduli cognitivi e competenza morale. E' possibile dare alla morale un fondamento biologico?
2010-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara
Moral intuitions vs. moral reasoning. A philosophical analysis of the explanatory models intuitionism relies on
2012-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara; Job, Remo
Morality according to a cognitive interpretation. A semantic model for moral behaviour
2010-01-01 Dellantonio, Sara; Job, Remo
O Retorno do Reprimido: Como as Ideias de Jung se Tornaram Parte da Psicanálise Oficial
2015-01-01 Innamorati, Marco; Pastore, Luigi; Dellantonio, Sara
On the nature and composition of abstract (theoretical) concepts: the x-ception theory and methods for its assessment
2015-01-01 Pastore, Luigi; Dellantonio, Sara; Mulatti, Claudio; Job, Remo