Biasi, Stefano

Biasi, Stefano  

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Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
A Free-Space Interferometer for Phase-Delay Measurements in Integrated Optical Devices in Degenerate Pump-and-Probe Experiments 1-gen-2018 Turri FabioBiasi StefanoRamiro Manzano FernandoPavesi Lorenzo
A Microring as a Reservoir Computing Node: Memory/Nonlinear Tasks and Effect of Input Non-ideality 1-gen-2022 Bazzanella, DavideBiasi, StefanoMancinelli, MattiaPavesi, Lorenzo
An array of microresonators as a photonic extreme learning machine 1-gen-2023 Stefano BiasiRiccardo FranchiLorenzo Pavesi +
Coupled Resonators Optical Waveguide Based on Taiji Microresonators 1-gen-2023 Aslan B.Franchi R.Biasi S.Ali S.Pavesi L.
Electrically Reconfigurable Mode Chirality in Integrated Microring Resonators 1-gen-2024 Li, JinBiasi, StefanoFranchi, RiccardoPavesi, Lorenzo +
Experimental Demonstration of a Photonic Extreme Learning Machine with an Array of Microresonators 1-gen-2023 Biasi, StefanoFranchi, RiccardoPavesi, Lorenzo
Experimental demonstration of reservoir computing with a silicon resonator and time multiplexing 1-gen-2021 Borghi, MassimoBiasi, StefanoPavesi, Lorenzo
Exploring the potential of self-pulsing optical microresonators for spiking neural networks and sensing 1-gen-2024 Biasi, StefanoLugnan, AlessioPavesi, Lorenzo +
Field-Induced Nonlinearities in Silicon Waveguides Embedded in Lateral p-n Junctions 1-gen-2019 Castellan, ClaudioFranchi, RiccardoBiasi, StefanoBernard, MartinoGhulinyan, MherPavesi, Lorenzo
From the Backscattering to the reactive coupling 1-gen-2019 Stefano BiasiFernando Ramiro-ManzanoMher GhulinyanIacopo CarusottoLorenzo Pavesi
Hermitian and Non-Hermitian mode coupling in a micro-disk resonator due to stochastic surface roughness scattering 1-gen-2019 Biasi, StefanoTurri, FabioLarre, Pierre ElieGhulinyan, MherCarusotto, IacopoPavesi, Lorenzo +
Influence of the bus waveguide on the linear and nonlinear response of a taiji microresonator 1-gen-2021 Franchi, RiccardoBiasi, Stefanode las Heras, Alberto MuñozGhulinyan, MherCarusotto, IacopoPavesi, Lorenzo
Interferometric cavity ring-down technique for ultra-high Q-factor microresonators 1-gen-2022 Stefano BiasiRiccardo FranchiLorenzo Pavesi
Interferometric method to estimate the eigenvalues of a Non-Hermitian two-level optical system 1-gen-2022 Biasi, StefanoFranchi, RiccardoPavesi, Lorenzo +
Investigating the Spectral Response of a Taiji-CROW Device 1-gen-2024 Franchi, RiccardoBiasi, StefanoAli, SalamatPavesi, Lorenzo +
Large-scale neural network in passive silicon photonics for biologically plausible learning 1-gen-2024 Lugnan, AlessioForadori, AlessandroBiasi, StefanoPavesi, Lorenzo +
Light propagation in confined photonic structures: modeling and experiments 22-apr-2020 Biasi, Stefano
Microring Resonators and Silicon Photonics 1-gen-2016 Ramiro Manzano, F.Biasi, S.Bernard, M.Mancinelli, M.Chalyan, T.Turri, F.Ghulinyan, M.Borghi, M.Samusenko, A.Gandolfi, D.Guider, R.Trenti, A.Larrè, P.Carusotto, I.Pavesi, L. +
Nonlinear response of Silicon Photonics microresonators for reservoir computing neural network 1-gen-2023 Emiliano StaffoliDavide BazzanellaStefano BiasiGiovanni DonatiMattia MancinelliPaolo BettottiLorenzo Pavesi +
Nonlinearity-Induced Reciprocity Breaking in a Single Nonmagnetic Taiji Resonator 1-gen-2021 Munoz de las Heras, A.Franchi, R.Biasi, S.Ghulinyan, M.Pavesi, L.Carusotto, I.