Carusotto, Iacopo
Carusotto, Iacopo
Fisica (29/10/12-)
Absence of long-range coherence in the parametric emission of photonic wires
2006-01-01 Wouters, M.; Carusotto, Iacopo
Acoustic black hole in a stationary hydrodynamic flow of microcavity polaritons
2015-01-01 Nguyen, H. S.; Gerace, D.; Carusotto, Iacopo; Sanvitto, D.; Galopin, E.; Lemaître, A.; Sagnes, I.; Bloch, J.; Amo, A.
Algebraic geometry tools for the study of entanglement: an application to spin squeezed states
2012-01-01 Bernardi, Alessandra; Carusotto, Iacopo
All-optical control of the quantum flow of a polariton condensate
2011-01-01 Sanvitto, D; Pigeon, S.; Amo, A.; Ballarini, D.; De Giorgi, M.; Carusotto, Iacopo; Hivet, R.; Pisanello, F.; Sala, V. G.; Guimaraes, P. S. S.; Houdré, R.; Giacobino, E.; Ciuti, C.; Bramati, A.; Gigli, G.
All-optical pump-and-probe detection of two-time correlations in a Fermi gas
2010-01-01 Dao, T. L.; Kollath, C.; Carusotto, Iacopo; Köhl, M.
An exact stochastic field method for the interacting Bose gas at thermal equilibrium
2001-01-01 Carusotto, Iacopo; Castin, Y.
Analog Hawking radiation from an acoustic black hole in a flowing polariton superfluid
2012-01-01 Gerace, Dario; Carusotto, Iacopo
Anomalous and quantum hall effects in lossy photonic lattices
2014-01-01 Ozawa, Tomoki; Carusotto, Iacopo
Anomalous ring-down effects and breakdown of the decay rate concept in optical cavities with negative group delay
2012-01-01 Lauprêtre, T.; Schwartz, S.; Ghosh, R.; Carusotto, Iacopo; Goldfarb, F.; Bretenaker, F.
Anyonic molecules in atomic fractional quantum Hall liquids: a quantitative probe of fractional charge and anyonic statistics
2020-01-01 Munoz De Las Heras, Alberto; Macaluso, Elia; Carusotto, Iacopo
Artificial gauge field for photons in coupled cavity arrays
2011-01-01 Umucalilar, R. O; Carusotto, Iacopo
Artificial magnetic fields in momentum space in spin-orbit-coupled systems
2015-01-01 Price, Hannah M.; Ozawa, Tomoki; Cooper, Nigel R.; Carusotto, Iacopo
Atom interferometric detection of the pairing order parameter in a fermi gas
2005-01-01 Carusotto, Iacopo; Castin, Yvan
Atom-laser coherence length and atomic standing waves
2000-01-01 Carusotto, Iacopo; Artoni, M.; La Rocca, G. C.
Atomic recoil effects in slow light propagation
2000-01-01 Carusotto, Iacopo; Artoni, M.; La Rocca, G. C.
Autonomous stabilization of photonic Laughlin states through angular momentum potentials
2021-01-01 Umucalilar, Ro; Simon, J; Carusotto, I
Back-reaction effects of quantum vacuum in cavity quantum electrodynamics
2012-01-01 Carusotto, Iacopo; De Liberato, S.; Gerace, D.; Ciuti, C.
Berry curvature effects in the Bloch oscillations of a quantum particle under a strong (synthetic) magnetic field
2013-01-01 Cominotti, Marco; Carusotto, Iacopo
Bimodal Approach for Noise Figures of Merit Evaluation in Quantum-Limited Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers
2022-01-01 Fasolo, L; Barone, C; Borghesi, M; Carapella, G; Caricato, Ap; Carusotto, I; Chung, W; Cian, A; Di Gioacchino, D; Enrico, E; Falferi, P; Faverzani, M; Ferri, E; Filatrella, G; Gatti, C; Giachero, A; Giubertoni, D; Greco, A; Kutlu, Ç; Leo, A; Ligi, C; Livreri, P; Maccarrone, G; Margesin, B; Maruccio, G; Matlashov, A; Mauro, C; Mezzena, R; Monteduro, Ag; Nucciotti, A; Oberto, L; Pagano, S; Pierro, V; Piersanti, L; Rajteri, M; Rettaroli, A; Rizzato, S; Semertzidis, Yk; Uchaikin, S; Vinante, A
Black-hole lasing in coherently coupled two-component atomic condensates
2017-01-01 Butera, S; Ohberg, P; Carusotto, I