Venuti, Paola
Venuti, Paola
Psicologia e scienze cognitive (29/10/12-)
"Scale di valutazione" voce enciclopedica del Dizionario di Psicologia dello Sviluppo a cura di Silvia Bonino.
1994-01-01 Venuti, Paola
"Test" voce enciclopedica del Dizionario di Psicologia dello Sviluppo a cura di Silvia Bonino.
1994-01-01 Venuti, Paola
'Se sto attento non mi faccio male'. Acquisizione e rappresentazione del senso del pericolo: un percorso evolutivo
1994-01-01 A., Lis; Venuti, Paola; A., Zennaro
A battery for the assessment of visuo-spatial abilities involved in drawing tasks
2009-01-01 La Femina, Floriana; V. P., Senese; D., Grossi; Venuti, Paola
A cross-cultural comparison of mothers' beliefs about their parenting very young children
2012-01-01 V. P., Senese; Bornstein, Marc Harvey; O. M., Haynes; G., Rossi; Venuti, Paola
A Cross-national Study of self-evaluations and attributions in parenting: Argentina, Belgium, France, Israel, Italy, Japan, and United States
1998-01-01 M. H., Bornstein; O., Haynes; H., Azume; C., Galperin; S., Maital; M. G., Pecheuux; Venuti, Paola; A., Vyt
A cultural comparison between Japan and Italy on how distress is expressed in children with autism spectrum disorders
2013-01-01 Venuti, P.; Esposito, G.; Nakazawa, J.; Bornstein, Mh.
A functional observation scale for the assessment of intervention programmes
2004-01-01 Venuti, P.; Cainelli, S.; Esposito, G.
A functional observation scale for the assessment of intervention programmes
2004-01-01 Venuti, Paola; S., Caianelli; Esposito, Gianluca
A functional observation scale for the assessment of intervention programmes” in Journal of Intellectual Disabilitiy Research. Vol. 48, jssue 4-5, June 2004
2004-01-01 Cainelli, Stefano; Esposito, Gianluca; Venuti, Paola
A joint behavioral and emotive analysis of synchrony in music therapy of children with autism spectrum disorders
2017-01-01 Venuti, Paola; Bentenuto, Arianna; Cainelli, Stefano; Landi, Isotta; Suvini, Ferdinando; Tancredi, Raffaella; Igliozzi, Roberta; Muratori, Filippo
A Multifactorial Model of Dyslexia: Evidence from Executive Functions and Phonological–based Treatments
2020-01-01 Pasqualotto, Angela; Venuti, Paola
A new battery for the assessment of basic visuo-spatial abilities involved in drawing tasks
2009-01-01 La Femina, Floriana; V. P., Senese; D., Grossi; Venuti, Paola
A qualitative analysis of crying and vocal distress in children with autism
2004-01-01 Esposito, G.; Venuti, P.; Giusti, Z.
A qualitative analysis of crying and vocal distress in children with autism
2004-01-01 Venuti, Paola; Esposito, Gianluca; Z., Giusti
A study on Early Distress Signals in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
2009-01-01 Esposito, G.; Venuti, P.
Academic Development Strategies to Support Teaching and Learning Processes Integrated with Technologies: Lessons Learnt at University of Trento
2023-01-01 Serbati, Anna; Venuti, Paola; Maniero, Sabrina; Picasso, Federica.
Adattamento del Questionario di autovalutazione dell'aggressività di Olweus a soggetti di 8-10 anni.
1991-01-01 Rossi, G.; Venuti, Paola; Venuti, Paola
Adult Response to episodes of Crying of typically and atypically developing children: a Reaction Time task
2011-01-01 Venuti, P.; Rigo, P.; Esposito, G.
Adults' implicit associations to infant positive and negative acoustic cues: Moderation by empathy and gender
2017-01-01 Senese, Vincenzo Paolo; Venuti, Paola; Giordano, Francesca; Napolitano, Maria; Esposito, Gianluca; Bornstein, Marc Harvey