Demir, Begum
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.350
EU - Europa 757
AS - Asia 498
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
SA - Sud America 6
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 6.626
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.340
SG - Singapore 294
SE - Svezia 168
IT - Italia 141
CN - Cina 113
GB - Regno Unito 110
UA - Ucraina 103
FI - Finlandia 95
BG - Bulgaria 55
TR - Turchia 55
DE - Germania 44
RU - Federazione Russa 13
IN - India 9
CA - Canada 8
EU - Europa 8
VN - Vietnam 5
FR - Francia 4
LB - Libano 4
EC - Ecuador 3
ID - Indonesia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AM - Armenia 2
AT - Austria 2
AU - Australia 2
BE - Belgio 2
BR - Brasile 2
CH - Svizzera 2
DK - Danimarca 2
ES - Italia 2
GR - Grecia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
MX - Messico 2
MY - Malesia 2
RE - Reunion 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
CL - Cile 1
HR - Croazia 1
IE - Irlanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
JP - Giappone 1
KR - Corea 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MU - Mauritius 1
NL - Olanda 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 6.626
Città #
Fairfield 945
Chandler 526
Woodbridge 444
Seattle 422
Ashburn 415
Cambridge 327
Houston 318
Wilmington 308
Jacksonville 289
Singapore 223
Ann Arbor 187
Columbus 161
Princeton 144
San Mateo 79
Trento 72
Dearborn 60
Sofia 55
Izmir 54
Beijing 44
London 44
Lawrence 29
San Diego 28
Boardman 27
Helsinki 24
New York 19
Kilburn 17
Santa Clara 17
San Paolo di Civitate 14
Moscow 13
Düsseldorf 12
Hefei 12
Chiswick 10
Des Moines 10
Berlin 9
Falls Church 9
Altamura 8
Kunming 8
Andover 7
Costa Mesa 7
Norwalk 7
Toronto 7
Trieste 7
Bremen 6
Dallas 6
Nanchang 6
Islington 5
Vicenza 5
Bolzano 4
Hangzhou 4
Nanjing 4
North Bergen 4
Acton 3
Buffalo 3
Como 3
Fremont 3
Hounslow 3
Los Angeles 3
Malo 3
Mumbai 3
Redmond 3
Rome 3
Shanghai 3
Shenyang 3
Taipei 3
Baotou 2
Brussels 2
Charlottesville 2
Clearwater 2
Dong Ket 2
Fuzhou 2
Greenwich 2
Guangzhou 2
Guayaquil 2
Hong Kong 2
Jakarta 2
Kuala Lumpur 2
Lesa 2
Mexico City 2
Monfalcone 2
Mountain View 2
Ningbo 2
Phoenix 2
Prescot 2
Tappahannock 2
Udine 2
Vienna 2
Washington 2
Wuhan 2
Yerevan 2
Zhengzhou 2
Zurich 2
Atlanta 1
Auckland 1
Augusta 1
Avon 1
Bangkok 1
Bari 1
Bonn 1
Bonndorf 1
Chambéry 1
Totale 5.564
Nome #
A novel active learning method in relevance feedback for content-based remote sensing image retrieval 133
Capsule networks for object detection in UAV imagery 133
A Novel Hybrid Method for the Correction of the Theoretical Model Inversion in Bio/Geophysical Parameter Estimation 126
A change-detection-driven approach to active transfer learning for classification of image time series 117
A Semisupervised Support Vector Regression Method to Estimate Biophysical Parameters from Remotely Sensed Images 113
Batch Mode Active Learning Methods for the Interactive Classification of Remote Sensing Images 105
Approximating JPEG 2000 wavelet representation through deep neural networks for remote sensing image scene classification 105
A novel system for content-based retrieval of single and multi-label high-dimensional remote sensing images 103
Definition of Effective Training Sets for Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images by a Novel Cost-Sensitive Active Learning Method 102
Histogram based attribute profiles for classification of very high resolution remote sensing images 102
A Cost-Sensitive Active Learning Technique for the Definition of Effective Training Sets for Supervised Classifiers 101
Kernel-based hashing for content-based image retrval in large remote sensing data archive 99
A Genetic Algorithm Based Cost-Sensitive Active Learning Technique for Classification of Remote Sensing Images 98
A Novel System for Classification of Image Time Series with Limited Ground Reference Data 95
Semantic-Fusion Gans for Semi-Supervised Satellite Image Classification 95
An Effective Strategy to Reduce the Labeling Cost in the Definition of Training Sets by Active Learning 94
A Novel Active Learning Method for Support Vector Regression to Estimate Biophysical Parameters from Remotely Sensed Images 94
A Low-Complexity Approach for Color Display of Hyperspectral Remote-Sensing Images Using One-Bit Transform Based Band Selection 93
A multiple criteria active learning method for support vector regression 93
Quad-tree based compressed histogram attribute profiles for classification of very high resolution images 91
Domain adaptation based on deep denoising auto-encoders for classification of remote sensing images 91
A comparative study on Multiple Kernel Learning for remote sensing image classification 90
Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Time Series Image Classification 90
Region-Based Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images Using an Unsupervised Graph-Theoretic Approach 90
Fast and accurate image classification with histogram based features and additive kernel SVM 88
A review of modern approaches to classification of remote sensing data 88
An analysis of the capabilities of COSMO-SKYMED and RADARSAT systems for agricultural area monitoring 88
Classification of Time Series of Multispectral Images With Limited Training Data 86
Hyperspectral image classification using denoising of intrinsic mode functions 86
A novel class sensitive hashing technique for large-scale content-based remote sensing image retrieval 86
Low-cost updating of land-cover maps by classifiying multitemporal remote sensing images 85
Active-Learning Based Cascade Classification of Multitemporal Images for Updating Land-Cover Maps 85
Accurate SVM classification using border training patterns 85
Phase Correlation based Redundancy Removal in Feature Weighting Band Selection for Hyperspectral Images 84
An Approach to Content Based Time Series Retrieval (CBTSR) 81
Extended attribute profiles on GPU applied to hyperspectral image classification 81
Block Motion Estimation Using Adaptive Modified Two-Bit Transform 80
Detection of Land-Cover Transitions in Multitemporal Images with Active-Learning Based Compound Classification 80
Active Learning Methods in Classification of Remote Sensing Images 80
Histogram-Based Attribute Profiles for Classification of Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images 80
Sequential cascade classification of image time series by exploiting multiple pairwise change detection 79
Down-sampling Based Multiple Description Image Coding using Optimal Filtering 79
Spectral magnitude and spectral derivative feature fusion for improved classification of hyperspectral images 79
An effective active learning method for interactive content-based retrieval in remote sensing images 78
Empirical mode decomposition of hyperspectral images for support vector machine classification 77
Updating Land-Cover Maps by Classification of Image Time Series: A Novel Change-Detection-Driven Transfer Learning Approach 77
A cluster-based appraoch to content based time series retrieval (CBTSR) 77
Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Relevance Vector Machines 74
Wavelet shrinkage denoising of intrinsic mode functions of hyperspectral image bands for classification with high accuracy 73
Clustering based Extraction of Border Training Patterns for Accurate SVM Classification of Hyperspectral Images 71
Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Using a Semisupervised Graph-Theoretic Method 71
Multiple Kernel Learning for Remote Sensing Image Classification 71
Primitive cluster sensitive hashing for scalable content-based image retrieval in remote sensing archives 70
A novel system for content based retrieval of multi-label remote sensing images 70
Cosmo-SkyMed and RADARSAT2 image investigation for the monitoring of agricultural areas 69
Compressed histogram attribute profiles for the classification of VHR remote sensing images 69
An Unsupervised Multicode Hashing Method for Accurate and Scalable Remote Sensing Image Retrieval 68
Retrieving Images with Generated Textual Descriptions 67
A Novel Data Fusion Technique for Snow Cover Retrieval 67
Hashing-Based Scalable Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval in Large Archives 66
Empirical mode decomposition based decision fusion for higher hyperspectral image classification accuracy 65
Improved quality multiple description 3D mesh coding with optimal filtering 65
Polyphase downsampling based multiple description image coding using optimal filtering with flexible redundancy insertion 65
More sparsity in hyperspectral SVM classification using unsupervised pre-segmentation in the training phase 64
Empirical mode decomposition pre-process for higher accuracy hyperspectral image classification 63
Increasing hyperspectral image classification accuracy for data sets with limited training samples by sample interpolation 62
Detection of land-cover transitions in multitemporal remote sensing images with active-learning-based compound classification 62
Uzaktan Algılanan Görüntülerin İçerik Tabanlı Erişimi için Spektral Değerler Torbası Temelli Özgün Bir Sistem 62
Block Motion Estimation Using Modified Two-Bit Transform 61
Speeded Up Content Based Remote Sensing Image Retrieval with Additive Kernel Support Vector Machines 60
Phase correlation based supervised classification of hyperspectral images using multiple class representatives 58
Improving SVM classification accuracy using a hierarchical approach for hyperspectral images 58
Analyzing and Retrieving Remote Sensing Images from Large Data Archives 57
Reducing the computational load of hyperspectral band selection using the one-bit transform of hyperspectral bands 56
An empirical mode decomposition and composite kernel approach to increase hyperspectral image classification accuracy 56
Hyperspectral data classification using RVM with pre-segmentation and RANSAC 55
ESA LTDP PFA - Product Feature Extraction and Analysis 54
An Approach to Content-Based Time Series Retrieval for Detecting Changes in Large Remote Sensing Data Archive 53
A Progressive Content-Based Image Retrieval in JPEG 2000 Compressed Remote Sensing Archives 51
A novel coarse-to-fine remote sensing image retrieval system in JPEG-2000 compressed domain 50
Proved Classification and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images Using Spectral Warping 47
Scalable Content Based Image Retrieval Based on A Hierarchical Hashing Approach 47
Çok Zamanlı Görüntülerde Arazi-Örtüsü Değişimlerinin Birleşik Entropi Temelli Bir Aktif-Öğrenme Yöntemi ile Algılanması (Detection of Land-Cover Transitions in Multitemporal Images with a Joint Entropy Based Active-Learning Method) 41
Feature extraction and analysis for information mining in large EO data archives 33
Learning from Data for Remote Sensing Image Analysis 31
null 28
Uzaktan Algilanan Görüntülerin Içerik Tabanli Erisimi için Özgün bir Aktif Ögrenme Yöntemi 14
Remote-Sensing Image Scene Classification with Deep Neural Networks in JPEG 2000 Compressed Domain 9
Totale 6.769
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.387
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.272
Totale 34.659

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.036 0 0 0 0 0 138 208 199 252 112 73 54
2020/20211.087 76 134 85 187 88 70 57 95 65 98 50 82
2021/2022789 37 85 8 39 63 37 18 157 42 74 55 174
2022/2023961 166 117 26 136 105 157 0 67 113 9 54 11
2023/2024379 30 52 38 13 30 30 34 60 2 18 23 49
2024/2025504 9 5 74 313 86 17 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.769