Cappellin, Luca

Cappellin, Luca  

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Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
A workflow for metabolomic analysis of heat-stressed leaves 1-gen-2023 Pettenuzzo SFranceschi PGrando MSCappellin L +
Absolute real-time non-destructive ethylene detection with SRI-MS and PTRMS: the example of fruits, leaves and bacteria 1-gen-2013 Cappellin, LucaCosta, Fabrizio +
Advances in QTL mapping for ethylene production in apple (Malus×domestica Borkh.) 1-gen-2014 Costa, FabrizioCappellin, LucaVelasco, Riccardo +
Analysis of Breath by Proton Transfer Reaction Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry in Rats with Steatohepatitis Induced by High-fat Diet 1-gen-2012 Aprea E.Cappellin L.Gasperi F. +
Caratterizzazione di oli monovarietali della Toscana 1-gen-2012 E. ApreaL. CappellinF. Gasperi +
Comprehensive VOC profiling of an apple germplasm collection by PTR-ToF-MS 1-gen-2015 Cappellin, LucaCosta, Fabrizio +
Detection of α-Farnesene and 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one involved in the development of apple superficial scald by PTR-ToF-MS 1-gen-2015 Cappellin, LucaCosta, Fabrizio +
Dissecting the genetic and physiological mechanisms of grapevine resilience to heat stress 1-gen-2021 Pettenuzzo SCappellin LLorenzi SFaralli MGrando MS +
Dynamic volatile organic compound fingerprinting of apple fruit during processing 1-gen-2015 Cappellin, LucaCosta, Fabrizio +
Emission of volatile sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes in grapevine genotypes following Plasmopara viticola inoculation in vitro 1-gen-2015 Cappellin, LucaPertot, IlariaPerazzolli, Michele +
Genetic control of physiological responses to heat stress in grapevine 1-gen-2023 Pettenuzzo SCappellin LLorenzi SFaralli MGrando MS +
Genome-wide association study unravels the genetic control of the apple volatilome and its interplay with fruit texture 1-gen-2017 Cappellin, L.Velasco, R.Costa, F. +
Growth media affect the volatilome and antimicrobial activity against Phytophthora infestans in four Lysobacter type strains 1-gen-2017 Perazzolli, MichelePertot, IlariaPuopolo, GerardoCappellin, Luca +
Henry's law constant & quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) 1-gen-2011 Aprea, E.Cappellin, L.Gasperi, F. +
Interference with ethylene perception at receptor level sheds light on auxin and transcriptional circuits associated with climacteric ripening of apple fruit (Malus x domestica Borkh.) 1-gen-2016 Longhi, SaraVrhovsek, UrskaCappellin, LucaScholz, Matthias UweVelasco, RiccardoCosta, Fabrizio +
Interplay of apple volatile organic compounds with Neofabraea vagabunda and other post-harvest pathogens 1-gen-2019 Cappellin L.Aprea E.Gasperi F.Spadoni A.Baraldi E. +
L'analisi della frazione volatile: fra riferimenti sicuri e nuove possibilità 1-gen-2011 Aprea ECappellin L.Gasperi F. +
Leaf monoterpene emission limits photosynthetic downregulation under heat stress in field-grown grapevine 1-gen-2021 Bertamini MFaralli M.Grando M. S.Cappellin L +
Linking monoterpenes and abiotic stress resistance in grapevine 1-gen-2018 Cappellin,L.Grando, M. S. +
Linking monoterpenes and abiotic stress resistance in grapevine 1-gen-2018 Cappellin, LucaGrando, Maria StellaBertamini, Massimo +