Pedrinolla, Anna

Pedrinolla, Anna  

CIBIO (29/10/12-)  

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Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
A comparison of lysosomal enzymes expression levels in peripheral blood of mild- and severe-Alzheimer's disease and MCI patients: implications for regenerative medicine approaches 1-gen-2017 PEDRINOLLA, ANNASMANIA, NicolaVENTURELLI, MassimoSCHENA, Federico +
An indoor therapeutic garden for behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer's Disease: a randomized controlled trial 1-gen-2019 Pedrinolla, AnnaSmania, NicolaSchena, FedericoVenturelli, Massimo +
Bioenergetics and psychological profile of an ultra endurance walker 1-gen-2018 PEDRINOLLA, ANNASCHENA, Federico +
Chronic Bedridden Condition Is Reflected by Substantial Changes in Plasma Inflammatory Profile 1-gen-2022 Pedrinolla, AnnaRossi, StefaniaDanese, ElisaLippi, GiuseppeSchena, FedericoVenturelli, Massimo +
Comparison between physical and cognitive treatment in patients with MCI and Alzheimer's disease 1-gen-2019 Smania, NicolaPedrinolla, AnnaPicelli, AlessandroSchena, FedericoVenturelli, Massimo +
Correction to: Concurrent metaboreflex activation increases chronotropic and ventilatory responses to passive leg movement without sex‑related differences 1-gen-2023 Pedrinolla, AnnaVenturelli, Massimo +
Electrically-induced quadriceps fatigue in the contralateral leg impairs ipsilateral knee extensors performance 1-gen-2021 Pedrinolla, AnnaSchena, Federico FVenturelli, Massimo +
Exercise training improves vascular function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease 1-gen-2020 Pedrinolla, AnnaVenturelli, MassimoSmania, NicolaSchena, Federico +
Exercise training on locomotion in patients with Alzheimer's disease. A feasibility Study 1-gen-2018 Pedrinolla A.Venturelli M.Smania N.Schena F. +
Exercise-induced adaptations in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: the role of circadian scheduling 1-gen-2018 Pedrinolla, AnnaVenturelli, Massimo +
Heart rate-index estimates oxygen uptake, energy expenditure and aerobic fitness in rugby players 1-gen-2018 Pedrinolla, Anna +
High-intensity treadmill training improves gait ability, VO2peak and cost of walking in stroke survivors: preliminary results of a pilot randomized controlled trial 1-gen-2018 PEDRINOLLA, ANNASMANIA, NicolaPICELLI, AlessandroSCHENA, Federico +
Impact of nitric oxide bioavailability on the progressive cerebral and peripheral circulatory impairments during aging and Alzheimer’s Disease 1-gen-2018 Venturelli M.Pedrinolla A.Boscolo Galazzo I.Smania N.Schena F. +
Inflammatory Response to Exercise in a Pancreatic-cancer Patient: a Case Report 1-gen-2016 Anna PedrinollaGian Luca SalvagnoFederico Schena +
Muscle cramps: A comparison of the two-leading hypothesis 1-gen-2018 Pedrinolla, AnnaFederico, SchenaVenturelli, Massimo +
Non-Aβ-dependent factors associated with global cognitive and physical function in Alzheimer’s Disease: a pilot multivariate analysis 1-gen-2019 Anna PedrinollaMassimo VenturelliIlaria Boscolo GalazzoNicola SmaniaFederico Schena +
Repeated passive mobilization to stimulate vascular function in individuals of advanced age who are chronically bedridden. A randomized controlled trial 1-gen-2022 Pedrinolla, AnnaDanese, ElisaSchena, FedericoVenturelli, Massimo +
Resilience to Alzheimer’s disease: The role of physical activity 1-gen-2017 Pedrinolla A.Venturelli M. +
Role of exercise in vascular function and inflammatory profile in age-related obesity 1-gen-2018 Pedrinolla, AnnaVenturelli, MassimoSchena, FedericoLanza, Massimo +
The key role of physical activity against the neuromuscular deterioration in patients with Parkinson's disease 1-gen-2021 Pedrinolla, AnnaSchena, FedericoVenturelli, Massimo +