Boiocchi, Riccardo
Boiocchi, Riccardo
A novel fuzzy-logic control strategy minimizing N2O emissions
2017-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Gernaey, K. V.; Sin, G.
A Study on the Carbon Footprint Contributions from a Large Wastewater Treatment Plant
2023-01-01 Boiocchi, Riccardo; Viotti, Paolo; Lancione, Davide; Stracqualursi, Nicoletta; Torretta, Vincenzo; Ragazzi, Marco; Ionescu, Grabriela; Rada, Elena Cristina
Aeration control by monitoring the microbiological activity using fuzzy logic diagnosis and control. Application to a complete autotrophic nitrogen removal reactor
2015-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Mauricio-Iglesias, M.; Vangsgaard, A. K.; Gernaey, K. V.; Sin, G.
Carbon Footprint and Energy Recovery Potential of Primary Wastewater Treatment in Decentralized Areas: A Critical Review on Septic and Imhoff Tanks
2023-01-01 Boiocchi, Riccardo; Mainardis, Matia; Rada, Elena Cristina; Ragazzi, Marco; Salvati, Silvana Carla
Challenges encountered when expanding activated sludge models: A case study based on N2O production
2014-01-01 Snip, L. J. P.; Boiocchi, R.; Flores-Alsina, X.; Jeppsson, U.; Gernaey, K. V.
Control of wastewater N2O emissions by balancing the microbial communities using a fuzzy-logic approach
2016-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Gernaey, K. V.; Sin, G.
Critical Analysis of the GreenMetric World University Ranking System: The Issue of Comparability
2023-01-01 Boiocchi, Riccardo; Ragazzi, Marco; Torretta, Vincenzo; Rada, Elena Cristina
Dynamic model validation and advanced polymer control for rotating belt filtration as primary treatment of domestic wastewaters
2020-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Behera, C. R.; Sherratt, A.; Degroot, C. T.; Gernaey, K. V.; Sin, G.; Santoro, D.
Evaluating the potential impact of energy-efficient ammonia control on the carbon footprint of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant
2022-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Bertanza, G.
Extending the benchmark simulation model n°2 with processes for nitrous oxide production and side-stream nitrogen removal
2015-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Gernaey, K. V.; Sin, G.
Improving the quality of wastewater treatment plant monitoring by adopting proper sampling strategies and data processing criteria
2022-01-01 Bertanza, G.; Boiocchi, R.; Pedrazzani, R.
Interpreting per capita loads of organic matter and nutrients in municipal wastewater: A study on 168 Italian agglomerations
2022-01-01 Bertanza, G.; Boiocchi, R.
Linking upstream processes to UV disinfection efficiency using copula-based soft sensors, CFD, and plant-wide simulation models
2019-01-01 Santoro, D.; Crapulli, F.; Boiocchi, R.; Raspa, G.
Long-term continuous partial nitritation-anammox reactor aeration optimization at different nitrogen loading rates for the treatment of ammonium rich digestate lagoon supernatant
2020-01-01 Yang, Sen; Xu, Shengnan; Boiocchi, Riccardo; Mohammed, Abdul; Li, Xinru; Ashbolt, Nicholas. J.; Liu, Yang
Model-based management and control of the bioreactions in a collection system
2018-01-01 Guo, L.; Walton, J.; Tik, S.; Scott, Z.; Sharma, K. R.; Boiocchi, R.; Yuan, Z.; Elbeshbishy, E.; Santoro, D.; Vanrolleghem, P. A.
Modeling and optimization of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) system treating blackwaters
2022-01-01 Boiocchi, Riccardo.; Zhang, Qianyi.; Gao, Mengjiao.; Liu, Yang.
Systematic design of membership functions for fuzzy-logic control: A case study on one-stage partial nitritation/anammox treatment systems
2016-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Gernaey, K. V.; Sin, G.
Techno-economic analysis of resource recovery technologies for wastewater treatment plants
2017-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Matafome, B.; Gargalo, C. L.; Carvalho, A.; Sin, G.
Towards Context-Independent Indicators for an Unbiased Assessment of Environmental Sustainability in Higher Education: An Application to Italian Universities
2024-01-01 Boiocchi, Riccardo; Adami, Luca; Rada, Elena Cristina; Schiavon, Marco
Trends of N2O production during decentralized wastewater treatment: A critical review
2025-01-01 Boiocchi, R.; Mainardis, M.; Rada, E. C.; Ragazzi, M.; Salvati, S. C.