Binelli, Andrea
Binelli, Andrea
Lettere e filosofia (29/10/12-)
Abortire in Irlanda, decide ancora la Chiesa
2016-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Ancient vs recent processess as factors shaping the genetic variation of the European wild boar: are the effects of the last glaciation still detectable?
2008-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Animal trade and nonindigenous species introduction: the worldwide spread of squirrels
2009-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Anti-predator behaviour, space use and habitat selection in female roe deer during the fawning season in a wolf area
2008-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Appunti su alcuni profili tematici nelle traduzioni italiane di Tolkien
2020-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Bardi, streghe e altre creature magiche: tradurre l’Irlanda di Lady Wilde
2017-01-01 Binelli, Andrea; Falceri, Giorgia; Polli, Chiara
Benefits of a risky life for fallow deer bucks (Dama dama) aspiring to patrol a lek territory
2011-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Cancro della pelle nel paziente anziano
2005-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Cattolica irlandese irretita da un criminale di guerra
2017-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Certi sconfinamenti [Trespasses]
2022-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Circulating Like a Ballad in The Dark: Joyce, The Wake and the Anarchist Translation
2019-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Cleaning up after the Tiger. Mediating the Crisis in Ireland
2010-01-01 Binelli, Andrea; B., Thomson; E., Terrinoni; S., Thompson
2015-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Cultural Memory and Futurology in Post-Colonial Ireland
2006-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Cuore girevole
2015-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Current status of the Sardinian partridge (Alectoris barbara) assessed by molecular markers
2010-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Daytime habitat selection by introduced easterncottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) and native Europeanhare (Lepus europaeus) in northern Italy
2011-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Deconstructing Ireland
2002-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Dermot Healy: in the mouth of the wave. Cinque poesie e un’intervista
2003-01-01 Binelli, Andrea
Diagnosi e trattamento del cancro negli anziani: considerazioni sul rapporto costo/efficacia
2005-01-01 Binelli, Andrea