Geraci, Alessandra
Geraci, Alessandra
Belief attribution in deaf and hearing infants
2012-01-01 Meristo, M.; Morgan, G.; Geraci, Alessandra; Iozzi, L.; Hjelmquist, E.; Surian, Luca; Siegal, Michael
Bilingualism accentuates children's conversational understanding
2010-01-01 M., Siegal; Surian, Luca; A., Matsuo; Geraci, Alessandra; L., Iozzi; Y., Okumura; S., Itakura
Do toddlers prefer that agents help similar or dissimilar needy agents?
2021-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Franchin, Laura
Editorial: Nature and Determinants of Socio-Moral Development: Theories, Methods and Applications
2023-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Franchin, Laura; Govrin, Aner; Rigo, Paola
Evaluations of pro-environmental behaviors by 7-month-old infants
2023-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Franchin, Laura; Benavides-Varela, Silvia
Evaluations of pro-environmental behaviours in preschool age
2024-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Franchin, Laura; Commodari, Elena
Giving and taking: Representational building blocks of active resource-transfer events in human infants
2015-01-01 Tatone, D.; Geraci, A.; Csibra, G.
Improving the generalizability of infant psychological research: The ManyBabies model
2022-01-01 Visser, Ingmar; Bergmann, Christina; Byers-Heinlein, Krista; Dal Ben, Rodrigo; Duch, Wlodzislaw; Forbes, Samuel; Franchin, Laura; C Frank, Michael; Geraci, Alessandra; Kiley Hamlin, J; Kaldy, Zsuzsa; Kulke, Louisa; Laverty, Catherine; Lew-Williams, Casey; Mateu, Victoria; Mayor, Julien; Moreau, David; Nomikou, Iris; Schuwerk, Tobias; A Simpson, Elizabeth; Singh, Leher; Soderstrom, Melanie; Sullivan, Jessica; I van den Heuvel, Marion; Westermann, Gert; Yamada, Yuki; Zaadnoordijk, Lorijn; Zettersten, Martin
Infants' preferences for approachers over repulsers shift between 4 and 8 months of age
2022-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Regolin, Lucia; Simion, Francesca; Surian, Luca
Infants’ intention-based evaluations of distributive actions
2022-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Simion, Francesca; Surian, Luca
Intention-based evaluations of distributive actions by 4-month-olds
2023-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Surian, Luca
Is Defensive Behavior a Subtype of Prosocial Behaviors?
2021-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Franchin, Laura
Lo sviluppo e le basi neurali della cognizione sociale: studi sull'attribuzione di stati mentali e sulla valutazione di azioni distributive
2010-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra
Preverbal infants’ reactions to third-party punishments and rewards delivered towards fair and unfair agents
2023-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Surian, Luca
The developmental roots of fairness: infants’ reactions to equal and unequal distributions of resources.
2011-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Surian, Luca
Theory of mind in patients with ventromedial or dorsolateral prefrontal lesions
2010-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Surian, Luca; M., Ferraro; A., Cantagallo
Toddlers' expectations of third‐party punishments and rewards following an act of aggression
2021-01-01 Geraci, Alessandra; Surian, Luca
Where will the triangle look for it? attributing false beliefs to a geometric shape at 17 months
2012-01-01 Surian, Luca; Geraci, Alessandra