Fiori, Luca

Fiori, Luca  

Ingegneria civile, ambientale e mecc (29/10/12-)  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 193 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.049 secondi).
Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
A bench-scale reactor for pyrolysis and gasification: state of the art and design 1-gen-2005 Baggio, PaoloBaratieri, MarcoFiori, LucaRagazzi, Marco
A model of oxygen transport as a tool to study the liquid metal surface oxidation 1-gen-2001 Fiori, Luca +
A novel reaction kinetics model for estimating the carbon content into hydrothermal carbonization products 1-gen-2018 Michela LucianLuca Fiori +
A proposal for spent grape marc exploitation in Romania 1-gen-2009 Fiori, LucaRada, Elena CristinaRagazzi, Marco +
Advances in Research and Technology of Hydrothermal Carbonization: Achievements and Future Directions 1-gen-2024 Ischia, GiuliaFiori, Luca +
ADVANCING BIOENERGY FOR A GREEN FUTURE 1-gen-2023 Ischia G.Marchelli F.Fiori L.
Agro-industrial waste to solid biofuel through hydrothermal carbonization 1-gen-2016 Basso, DanieleCastello, DanieleRada, Elena CristinaFiori, Luca +
Agro-waste to solid biofuel through HTC: the role of process variables on secondary char formation and hydrochar energy properties 1-gen-2017 L. FioriM. Volpe
An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Cadmium Removal in Aquatic Environments by Chlorella vulgaris-Derived Solids 1-gen-2024 Marchelli, FilippoFiori, Luca +
Anaerobic Degradation of Digestate Based Hydrothermal Carbonization Products in a Continuous Hybrid Fixed Bed Anaerobic Filter 1-gen-2021 Sartori F.Fiori L.Andreottola G. +
Analisi sperimentale del processo di estrazione di olio da semi di girasole con CO2 supercritica 1-gen-2007 Fiori, LucaGrigiante, MaurizioBaggio, Paolo +
Analisi sperimentale e modellazione numerica del processo di gassificazione di biomassa 1-gen-2007 Baggio, PaoloFiori, LucaGrigiante, Maurizio +
Antiossidanti da vinaccia 1-gen-2007 Fiori, Luca
Antioxidants from winemaking wastes: a study on extraction parameters using response surface methodology 1-gen-2012 Fiori, Luca +
Bio-drying of grape marc and other biomass: a comparison 1-gen-2009 Rada, Elena CristinaRagazzi, MarcoFiori, LucaAntolini, Daniele
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities of different grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seed oils extracted by supercritical CO2 and organic solvent 1-gen-2016 Duba, Kurabachew SimonFiori, Luca +
Biochar production through hydrothermal carbonization: energy efficiency and cost analysis of an industrial-scale plant 1-gen-2017 M. LucianF. MerzariL. Fiori
Biochemical Methane Potential Tests to Evaluate Anaerobic Digestion Enhancement by Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment 1-gen-2019 Ferrentino R.Merzari F.Fiori L.Andreottola G.
Biofuel production via dry and wet torrefaction of agro-industrial waste: a comparative study 1-gen-2017 M. VolpeF. MerzariG. AndreottolaL. Fiori
Biomass as an Energy Source: Thermodynamic Constraints on the Performance of the Conversion Process 1-gen-2008 Baggio, PaoloFiori, LucaGrigiante, Maurizio +