Bonora, Pierluigi
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.035
EU - Europa 1.637
AS - Asia 877
AF - Africa 12
SA - Sud America 8
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 9.570
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.015
UA - Ucraina 697
SG - Singapore 530
SE - Svezia 268
CN - Cina 238
FI - Finlandia 214
IT - Italia 104
BG - Bulgaria 93
GB - Regno Unito 73
RU - Federazione Russa 69
TR - Turchia 65
DE - Germania 61
CA - Canada 14
IN - India 12
FR - Francia 11
NL - Olanda 10
RS - Serbia 8
CI - Costa d'Avorio 6
HK - Hong Kong 6
BE - Belgio 5
ES - Italia 5
IL - Israele 5
KR - Corea 5
EG - Egitto 4
IR - Iran 4
BR - Brasile 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
DK - Danimarca 3
IE - Irlanda 3
MX - Messico 3
PL - Polonia 3
AR - Argentina 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CL - Cile 2
HU - Ungheria 2
JP - Giappone 2
LT - Lituania 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AU - Australia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
GE - Georgia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 9.570
Città #
Jacksonville 1.410
Chandler 888
Fairfield 462
Singapore 433
Columbus 327
Ashburn 317
Woodbridge 312
Princeton 303
Santa Clara 301
San Mateo 281
Wilmington 257
Seattle 250
Ann Arbor 225
Cambridge 176
Houston 171
Beijing 119
Dearborn 107
New York 100
Sofia 93
Boardman 91
Izmir 65
Lawrence 56
Moscow 54
Helsinki 34
Düsseldorf 32
Norwalk 32
San Diego 29
Falls Church 18
Andover 16
Des Moines 16
Hefei 14
Kunming 13
Jinan 11
Milan 11
Nanchang 11
Toronto 11
Los Angeles 10
Nanjing 10
Abidjan 6
Guangzhou 6
Hong Kong 6
Novi Sad 6
Trento 6
Verona 6
Bremen 5
Brussels 5
London 5
Rome 5
Shanghai 5
Alexandria 4
Changsha 4
Dormagen 4
Genoa 4
Mountain View 4
Secaucus 4
Zhengzhou 4
Astigarraga 3
Bolzano 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Fremont 3
Huzhou 3
Las Vegas 3
Mexico City 3
Montichiari 3
Paris 3
Phoenix 3
Redmond 3
Rupnagar 3
Washington 3
Xian 3
Acton 2
Baotou 2
Belgrade 2
Bjerringbro 2
Buenos Aires 2
Centro 2
Chengdu 2
Chongqing 2
Costa Mesa 2
Delhi 2
Dublin 2
Duncan 2
Fuzhou 2
Heredia 2
Macao 2
Nanning 2
Newark 2
Richmond Hill 2
Rio de Janeiro 2
Riyadh 2
Shenyang 2
Simi Valley 2
Spresiano 2
Taiyuan 2
Adelaide 1
Amsterdam 1
Angera 1
Aquila 1
Auburn Hills 1
Bergamo 1
Totale 7.251
Nome #
Determination of the reactive area of organic coated metals using the break-point method 113
Resistance to localized corrosion of pure Ni, micro- and nano-SiC composite electrodeposits 106
Wear Corrosion Properties Of Nano-Structured Sic- Nickel Composite Coatings Obtained By Electroplating 101
A statistical approach to the determination by EIS of the protecting properties of organic coatings 100
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a tool for investigating underpaint corrosion 96
A comparative study of the available electrochemical methods for the investigation of epoxy and fluoropolymer coatings deterioration 94
Advanced testing procedures for high performance coatings 93
On the Corrosion Resistance of Sintered Austenitic Stainless Steel 90
EIS study of organic coating on zinc surface pretreated with environmentally friendly products 89
Stainless Steel As New Substrate For Coil Coating 87
Influence of the particle size on the mechanical and electrochemical behaviour of microand nano-nickel matrix composite coatings 85
Effect of ultrasound vibration during electrodeposition of Ni-SiC nanocomposite coatings 85
Scaling-up of the electrodeposition process of nano-composite coating for corrosion and wear protection 84
Reply to the comments of F. Mansfeld 83
The determination of the reactive area in organic coated metals using the break-point method 83
Corrosion behaviour of fluotitanate pretreated and painted aluminium sheets 81
The pitting behavior of Al-3103 implanted with molybdenum 81
Eis Study Of Environmentally Friendly Coil Coating Performances 80
Corrosion and wear behaviour of HVOF cermet coatings used to replace hard chromium 80
Degradation mechanism of electrodeposited coatings in alkaline solution 77
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of poly(3-methoxythiophene) thin films in aqueous LiClO4 solutions 77
Electrochemical measurements to evaluate the damage due to abrasion on organic protective system 77
Study of the corrosion behaviour of phosphatized and painted industrial water heaters 76
Electrochemical characterisation of organic coatings for the automotive industry 75
Analisi delle cause di degrado in ambiente alcalino di rivestimenti depositati per cataforesi 75
Influence Of The Photo-Oxidative Degradation On The Water Barrier And Corrosion Protection Properties Of Polyester Paints 75
Corrosion and Wear-Corrosion Studies of Nitrides Coatings obtained by Reactive Sputtering 75
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of polybithiophene films in an aqueous LiClO4 solution 74
Corrosion behaviour of steel ropes for snow and rockfall barriers 74
Caratterizzazione di laminati zincati di produzione industriale 74
Determination of the reactive area of organic coated metals: physical meaning and limits of the break-point method 73
Cathodic Protection Revamping Technology for Offshore Structures: The Agbara Platform 73
Corrosion protection of sintered metal parts by zinc coatings 72
Electrochemical characterization of magnetron sputter-deposited Nb-Zr thin metal films 72
Effect of chemical cleaning on the corrosion behaviour of painted aluminium alloys 71
Electrochemical characterisation of organic coatings for the automotive industry 70
Corrosion Behaviour Of Stressed Magnesium Alloys 69
Electrochemical properties and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of polypyrrole-coated platinum electrodes 69
Characterization of wear-corrosion behaviour of titanium and chromium nitrides deposited by r.f sputtering 69
Cathodic Protection of Offshore Structure by Sacrificial Anodes and Strings of Anodes 67
Laboratory and field characterization of a new sacrificial anode for the cathodic protection of offshore structures 67
Microstructure and mechanical properties of bronze matrix nanocomposite coatings 67
Caratterizzazione mediante EIS delle proprietà di barriera di rivestimenti organici protettivi: affidabilità dei risultati 65
A Study Of Nano-Sic-Ni Composite Coating Obtained By Electrodeposition 65
Anodo sacrificale a struttura composita per la protezione delle strutture off-shore 65
Impedance study of the corrosion protection properties of fluoropolymer coatings 63
The electrochemical approch to asses coating performanceö6th All-Polish corrosion Conference ôMaterials and Environment 62
Capitolo 6: "La verniciatura" 62
Comparative Wear Corrosion Study Of Nanostructured And Microstructured Composite Coatings Obtained By Electroplating 62
Advanced testing procedures for high performances coatings 61
Atmospheric corrosion behaviour of weathering steel used as structural components of highways 60
Corrosion protection properties of electroless nickel/PTFE, phosphate/PTFE/MoS2 and bronze/PTFE coatings applied to improve the wear resistance of carbon steel 59
Comparison of traditional and electrochemical testing methods to asses protective properties of organic coatings 58
Composite coatings for enhancement of surface properties 58
Criteri di protezione delle strutture metalliche in acqua di mare (onshore e offshore); progettazione e verifica in campo di un nuovo tipo di anodo sacrificale 57
Rivestimenti nanocompositi antiusura e anticorrosione a matrice bronzo 57
Electrochemical test methods in corrosion control 56
Properties of painted stainless steel: EIS data analysis 56
Corrosion of steel ropes: effect of lubrificant and geometrical factors 55
Mechanochemical Effect On Mg-Alloys By Ac And Dc Polarisation 55
Effect Of Sic Size Dimension On The Corrosion Wear Resistance Of The Electrodeposited Composite Coating 55
Alluminium-magnesium composite anode for cathodic protection of off-shore platform 55
Electrochemical methods for the study of protective organic coatings after mechanical deformations 55
L’uso degli ultrasuoni nel processo di elettrodeposizione di nano compositi a matrice nichel 54
Improved sacrificial anode for the protection of off-shore structures 53
Application of fast curing polyurethane coatings to fill and protect welded joints of submerged sea lines 53
Resistenza alla corrosione di funi per barriere paramassi e paravalanghe 53
Effetto del pretrattamento sulla corrosione filiforme dell'alluminio 53
Corrosion behaviour of polyester and fluoropolymer coatings on coil coated stainless steel 53
Liquid Phase Sintering of AISI 316L 52
Corrosion behaviour of anti-wear industrial coatings 52
Testing of high performance fluoropolymer coatings 52
Electrochemical Approach to Selected Corrosion and Corrosion Control Studies 52
The water uptake influence on the corrosion protection of organic coatings 52
Comparison of Salt Spray and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopyö Journal of Testing and Evaluation 52
Study of the corrosion behaviour of new zinc alloy coatings for steel cords 51
Preparazione superficiale per la verniciatura di boiler industriali 51
Studio mediante spettroscopia di impedenza elettrochimica di rivestimenti epossidici senza solvente per la protezione di strutture off-shore 51
Electrochemical Evaluation of Coatings for Marine Corrosion Controll 51
The effect of both different additives and pulse current on the codeposition of SiC nano-particles in nickel matrix deposits 51
Effect of Production parameters on the corrosion behaviour of steel ropes 50
Corrosione dello steel cord: studi e conclusioni 50
Electrochemical Study of Multiple EnergyNitrogen-ion-implanted Aluminum Alloys 50
Some new trends in corrosion protection by metallic coatings 50
ion Mixing Effect on the Electrochemical Behaviour of Tin Coated Nickel 50
Effetto delle deformazioni meccaniche sulle proprietà protettive dei rivestimenti organici per coil coating 50
Corrosion behavior of Al-Mn alloy implanted with Molybdenum 50
Effetto del tempo e della atmosfera di sinterizzazione su acciai inossidabili legati con rame 50
Protezione dalla Corrosione di Strutture Offshore per lÆEstrazione di Idrocarburi 50
Electrochemical Characterization of Copper-Alloyed Sintered Stainless Steel in Borate Solutions 50
Wear Corrosion Bahaviour Of Nano- Structured Sic- Nichel Composite Coatings 49
Protection Offshore Structures by fluoropolymeric coating 48
Protezione dalla Corrosione di Strutture Offshore per l’Estrazione di Idrocarburi 48
Effetto delle deformazioni meccaniche sul degrado di acciaio inossidabile prerivestito 48
Low power ultrasound tratment during electrodeposition of nanoSiC nickel composites 48
The use of ultrasounds during electrodeposition of Ni/Al2O3 nano-composite coatings from additive–free bath 48
Nanocomposite Electroplating. Electrochemical Aspects, Structure And Properties 47
Influence of the presence of nickel and titanium under-layers on the corrosion behaviour of AlN films deposited on H11 steel by reactive sputtering 47
Environmental durability of steel ropes for snow and rockfall barriers 47
Studio comparativo dei processi di degrado naturali ed accelerati di rivestimenti organici protettivi 47
Totale 6.483
Categoria #
all - tutte 38.249
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.932
Totale 40.181

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.211 0 0 0 0 0 133 349 110 259 89 67 204
2020/20211.473 18 217 13 208 190 93 184 32 193 36 228 61
2021/20221.279 8 253 3 76 40 35 40 337 46 69 71 301
2022/20231.799 305 103 17 218 306 310 2 129 250 13 112 34
2023/2024568 74 70 24 21 40 128 35 25 9 17 21 104
2024/20251.210 9 3 72 573 192 361 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.622