Gajo, Alessandro
Gajo, Alessandro
Ingegneria civile, ambientale e mecc (29/10/12-)
A computational framework for immiscible three-phase flow in deformable porous media
2018-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro; Cecinato, Francesco; Loret, Benjamin
A general approach for defining the macroscopic free energy density of saturated porous media at finite strains under non-isothermal conditions
2011-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro
A general approach to the isothermal hyperelastic modelling of saturated porous media at finite strains with compressible solid constituents
2010-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro
A kinematic hardening constitutive model for sands: the multiaxial formulation
1999-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro; D., Muir Wood
A micro-scale inspired chemo-mechanical model of bonded geomaterials
2015-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro; Cecinato, Francesco; Hueckel, T.
A model for stress and plastic strain induced nonlinear, hyperelastic anisotropy in soils
2008-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro; Bigoni, Davide
A new approach to anisotropic, bounding surface plasticity: general formulation and simulations of natural and reconstituted clays
2001-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro; D. M., Wood
A New Hyper-Elastic Law for Single Yield Surface Constitutive Models for Clays
2024-01-01 Argani, L. P.; Esfahani, F. Ghalamzan; Gajo, A.
A new insight into the effects of combined rupture mechanisms of soil and shallow foundations
2021-01-01 Argani, Luca Prakash; Gajo, Alessandro; Smith, Colin C.
A New Isotropic Hyper-Elasticity Model for Enhancing the Rate of Convergence of Mohr-Coulomb-Like Constitutive Models and Application to Shallow Foundations and Trapdoors
2021-01-01 Argani, Luca Prakash; Gajo, Alessandro
A new modelling approach for piled and other ground heat exchanger applications
2015-01-01 Cecinato, Francesco; Loveridge, F.; Gajo, Alessandro; Powrie, W.
A non-linear analysis of non-isothermal wave propagation in linear-elastic fluid-saturated porous media
2002-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro
A nonlinear viscoelastic-viscoplastic model for clay materials
2013-01-01 Madaschi, Aldo; Gajo, Alessandro
A note on the dissipation due to generalized diffusion with electro-chemo-mechanical couplings in heteroionic clays
2004-01-01 B., Loret; Gajo, Alessandro; F. M., Simoes
A Novel Insight into Vertical Ground Motion Modelling in Earthquake Engineering
2022-01-01 Argani, L. P.; Gajo, A.
A one-dimensional viscoelastic and viscoplastic constitutive approach to modeling the delayed behavior of clay and organic soils
2017-01-01 Madaschi, Aldo; Gajo, Alessandro
A two-yield surfaces, viscoplastic constitutive model for ceramics and geomaterials
2016-01-01 Madaschi, Aldo; Gajo, Alessandro
A Zero-Thickness Interface Element Incorporating Hydro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling and Rate-Dependency
2024-01-01 Ghalamzan Esfahani, Farzaneh; Gajo, Alessandro
An analytical solution for the transient response of saturated linear elastic porous media
1995-01-01 Gajo, Alessandro; Mongiovì, Luigi
An elastoplastic framework for granular materials becoming cohesive through mechanical densification. Part I - small strain formulation
2006-01-01 Piccolroaz, Andrea; Bigoni, Davide; Gajo, Alessandro