Espa, Giuseppe
Espa, Giuseppe
Economia e management (29/10/12-)
A class of spatial econometric methods in the empirical analysis of clusters of firms in the space
2007-01-01 Arbia, Giuseppe; Espa, Giuseppe; Quah, Danny
A Class of Spatial Econometric Methods in the Empirical Analysis of Spatial Clusters
2008-01-01 Espa, Giuseppe; Arbia, Giuseppe; D., Quah
A class of spatial statistical methods in the empirical analysis of spatial clusters
In corso di stampa Arbia, G; Espa, Giuseppe; Quah, D. T.
A class of spatial statistical methods in the empirical analysis of spatial clusters
2009-01-01 G., Arbia; Espa, Giuseppe; D. T., Quah
A Cross-Entropy Approach to the Estimation of Generalised Linear Multilevel Models
2017-01-01 Bee, Marco; Espa, Giuseppe; Giuliani, Diego; Santi, Flavio
A Crowd Monitoring Methodology based on the Analysis of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
2021-01-01 Donelli, Massimo; Espa, Giuseppe
A Fast and Efficient Semi-Unsupervised Segmentation and Feature-Extraction Methodology for Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics Applications: A Preliminary Study Applied to Glioblastoma
2023-01-01 Espa, Giuseppe; Feraco, Paola; Donelli, Massimo; Dal Chiele, Irene
A Framework for Cut-off Sampling in Business Survey Design
2007-01-01 Bee, Marco; R., Benedetti; Espa, Giuseppe
A Framework for Cut-off Sampling in Business Survey Design
2010-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Bee, Marco; Espa, Giuseppe
A frequency domain test for isotropy in spatial data models
2017-01-01 Santi, Flavio; Arbia, Giuseppe; Bee, Marco; Espa, Giuseppe
A geographical information system for the mid tiber valley: the cures Sabini area
2001-01-01 Espa, Giuseppe; A., De Meo; Pifferi, Annisa
A GIS for the Study of the mid-Tiber Valley. Comparisons between Archaeological Settlements of the Sabine Tiberine Area
2003-01-01 Espa, Giuseppe; A., De Meo
A graphical tool for interpreting regression coefficients of trinomial logit models
2019-01-01 Santi, Flavio; Dickson, Maria Michela; Espa, Giuseppe
A micro spatial analysis of firm demography: the case of food stores in the area of Trento (Italy)
2015-01-01 G., Arbia; P., Cella; Espa, Giuseppe; Giuliani, Diego
A mixed sampling strategy for partially geo-referenced finite populations
2021-01-01 Dickson, Maria Michela; Santi, Flavio; Taufer, Emanuele; Espa, Giuseppe
A Monte Carlo EM Algorithm for the Estimation of a Logistic Auto-logistic Model with Missing Data
2008-01-01 Bee, Marco; Espa, Giuseppe
A Monte Carlo EM Algorithm for the Estimation of a Logistic Auto-logistic Model with Missing Data
2008-01-01 Bee, Marco; Espa, Giuseppe
A note on Maximum likelihood estimation of a Pareto mixture
2009-01-01 Bee, Marco; Espa, Giuseppe; R., Benedetti
A Semi-Unsupervised Segmentation Methodology Based on Texture Recognition for Radiomics: A Preliminary Study on Brain Tumours
2022-01-01 Donelli, Massimo; Espa, Giuseppe; Feraco, Paola
A simulated annealing-based algorithm for selecting balanced samples
2022-01-01 Benedetti, Roberto; Dickson, Maria Michela; Espa, Giuseppe; Pantalone, Francesco; Piersimoni, Federica