Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree
Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree
A comprehensive study on the particulate matter characteristics of a friction material containing blast furnace slags
2023-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Matejka, Vlastimil; Sinha, Ankur; Gialanella, Stefano; Straffelini, Giovanni
A novel path towards limiting non-exhaust particulate matter emissions of a commercial friction material through the addition of metallurgical slag
2023-01-01 Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree; Matejka, V.; Leonardi, M.; Straffelini, G.
A novel study on the reduction of non-exhaust particulate matter emissions through system vibration control
2022-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Rustighi, Emiliano; Straffelini, Giovanni
Comparative Studies on the Dry Sliding Behavior of a Low-Metallic Friction Material with the Addition of Graphite and Exfoliated g-C3N4
2022-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Matějka, Vlastimil; Foniok, Kryštof; Straffelini, Giovanni
Dry Sliding Behavior and Particulate Emissions of a SiC-graphite Composite Friction Material Paired with HVOF-Coated Counterface
2022-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Sinha, Ankur; Gialanella, Stefano; Straffelini, Giovanni
Dry sliding behavior of copper based composite materials prepared using conventional compaction and sintering technique and spark plasma sintering
2022-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Menapace, Cinzia; Turani, Simone; Straffelini, Giovanni
Dry sliding behavior of HVOF WC-CoCr coated counterface against Cu-Sn and SiC-graphite composite materials
2020-01-01 Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree; Turani, Simone; Straffelini, Giovanni
Dry sliding behaviour of composite friction materials with varying iron and copper content prepared using the spark plasma sintering technique
2022-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Menapace, Cinzia; Turani, Simone; Straffelini, Giovanni
Effect of Steel Counterface on the Dry Sliding Behaviour of a Cu-Based Metal Matrix Composite
2018-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Federici, Matteo; Bresciani, Luca; Turani, Simone; Sicigliano, Roberto; Straffelini, Giovanni
Effect of temperature and sliding speed on the dry sliding behavior of a SiC-graphite composite against martensitic steel
2020-01-01 Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree; Turani, Simone; Straffelini, Giovanni
Effect of testing conditions on the dry sliding behavior of a Cu-Based refractory composite material
2019-01-01 Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree; Turani, Simone; Straffelini, Giovanni
Effect of the Addition of Waste Generated during the Plasma Cutting of Aluminum Products on the Friction and Emission Properties of a Commercial Friction Material Formulation
2022-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Candeo, Stefano; Leonardi, Mara; Fidelio, Carlo; Straffelini, Giovanni
Effect of velocity and temperature on the dry sliding behavior of a SiC-Graphite composite against WC-CoCr and WC-FeCrAlY HVOF coatings
2021-01-01 Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree; Turani, Simone; Straffelini, Giovanni
High‑Temperature Tribo‑Oxidative Wear of a Cu‑Based Metal‑Matrix Composite Dry Sliding Against Heat‑Treated Steel
2019-01-01 Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree; Bortolotti, Mauro; Turani, Simone; Straffelini, Giovanni
Process enhancements and wear evaluation of directed energy deposited bronze: Implications for reducing bronze in worm gear manufacturing
2025-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Amirabdollahian, Sasan; Perini, Matteo; Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Perissinotto, Simone; Coenen, Jan; Benedetti, Matteo
Study on the effect of the addition of bulk and exfoliated graphitic carbon nitride on the dry sliding behavior of a commercial friction material formulation through pin on disc and subscale dynamometer analysis
2023-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Candeo, Stefano; Matějka, Vlastimil; Foniok, Kryštof; Leonardi, Mara; Straffelini, Giovanni
The influence of the addition of aluminum anodizing waste on the friction and emission behavior of different kinds of friction material formulations
2022-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Straffelini, Giovanni
The Influence of the Addition of Different Kinds of Slags on the Friction and Emission Behavior of a Commercially Employed Friction Material Formulation
2023-01-01 Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Matějka, Vlastimil; Leonardi, Mara; Straffelini, Giovanni
Tribological Behavior of Friction Materials Containing Aluminum Anodizing Waste Obtained by Different Industrial Drying Processes
2024-01-01 Straffelini, Giovanni; Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Barbieri, Andrea; Masciocchi, Roberto
Tribological Studies of Advanced Materials for Aerospace Braking Applications
2021-03-26 Xxx, Priyadarshini Jayashree