Raghavendra, Sunil
Raghavendra, Sunil
A new energy based highly stressed volume concept to investigate the notch-pores interaction in thick-walled ductile cast iron subjected to uniaxial fatigue
2023-01-01 Pedranz, M.; Fontanari, V.; Raghavendra, S.; Santus, C.; Zanini, F.; Carmignato, S.; Lusuardi, D.; Berto, F.; Benedetti, M.
A probabilistic average strain energy density approach to assess the fatigue strength of additively manufactured cellular lattice materials
2023-01-01 Raghavendra, S.; Dallago, M.; Zanini, F.; Carmignato, S.; Berto, F.; Benedetti, M.
Characterization of compressive fatigue behavior and acoustic emission analysis of Ti6Al4V cellular lattice materials fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
2024-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Russo, Francesca; De Biasi, Raffaele; Rustighi, Emiliano; Zappini, Gianluca; Berto, Filippo; Benedetti, Matteo
Correlation between as-designed and as-built Young's modulus of cubic regular, cubic irregular, and trabecular cellular materials
2021-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Molinari, Alberto; Zappini, Gianluca; Benedetti, Matteo
Developing a testing protocol to assess the mechanical properties of high-level cycling shoes
2022-01-01 Fruet, D.; Zignoli, A.; Fontanari, V.; Biral, F.; Raghavendra, S.; Pezzato, M.; Saeter, E.
Development of DED Process Parameters for Deposition of Bronze and Evaluation of Its Wear Properties under Dry Sliding Conditions
2024-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Amirabdollahian, Sasan; Perini, Matteo; Chemello, Marco; Benedetti, Matteo
Fatigue fracture surface investigations with a 3D optical profiler
2022-01-01 Santus, C.; Neri, P.; Romoli, L.; Lutey, A.; Raghavendra, S.; Benedetti, M.
Geometric assessment of lattice materials built via Selective Laser Melting
2019-01-01 Dallago, M.; Raghavendra, Sunil; Luchin, V.; Zappini, G.; Pasini, D.; Benedetti, M.
Incorporating residual stresses into a Strain-Energy-Density based fatigue criterion and its application to the assessment of the medium-to-very-high-cycle fatigue strength of shot-peened parts
2020-01-01 Benedetti, M.; Berto, F.; Marini, M.; Raghavendra, S.; Fontanari, V.
Manufacturability of lattice structures fabricated by laser powder bed fusion: a novel biomedical application of the beta Ti-21S alloy
2022-01-01 Jam, A.; du Plessis, A.; Lora, C.; Raghavendra, S.; Pellizzari, M.; Benedetti, M.
Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Cellular Structures
2021-03-26 Raghavendra, Sunil
Modelling of the surface morphology and size effects on fatigue strength of L-PBF Inconel 718 by comparing different testing specimens
2024-01-01 Macoretta, Giuseppe; Romanelli, Lorenzo; Santus, Ciro; Romoli, Luca; Lutey, Adrian Hugh Alexander; Uriati, Federico; Nicoletto, Gianni; Raghavendra, Sunil; Benedetti, Matteo; Monelli, Bernardo Disma
Multiaxial plain and notch fatigue strength of thick-walled ductile cast iron EN-GJS-600-3: Combining multiaxial fatigue criteria, theory of critical distances, and defect sensitivity
2022-01-01 Benedetti, Matteo; Santus, Ciro; Raghavendra, Sunil; Lusuardi, Danilo; Zanini, Filippo; Carmignato, Simone
Process enhancements and wear evaluation of directed energy deposited bronze: Implications for reducing bronze in worm gear manufacturing
2025-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Amirabdollahian, Sasan; Perini, Matteo; Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Perissinotto, Simone; Coenen, Jan; Benedetti, Matteo
Quasi-static compression and compression–compression fatigue behavior of regular and irregular cellular biomaterials
2021-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Molinari, Alberto; Cao, Anni; Gao, Chao; Berto, Filippo; Zappini, Gianluca; Benedetti, Matteo
Stress concentration factors for planar square cell lattices with filleted junctions
2020-01-01 Dallago, Michele; Raghavendra, Sunil; Fontanari, Vigilio; Benedetti, Matteo
Tension-compression asymmetric mechanical behaviour of lattice cellular structures produced by selective laser melting
2020-01-01 Raghavendra, S.; Molinari, A.; Fontanari, V.; Dallago, M.; Luchin, V.; Zappini, G.; Benedetti, M.
The role of node fillet, unit-cell size and strut orientation on the fatigue strength of Ti-6Al-4V lattice materials additively manufactured via laser powder bed fusion
2021-01-01 Dallago, M.; Raghavendra, S.; Luchin, V.; Zappini, G.; Pasini, D.; Benedetti, M.
Uniaxial static mechanical properties of regular, irregular and random additively manufactured cellular materials: Nominal vs. real geometry
2021-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Molinari, Alberto; Dallago, Michele; Zappini, Gianluca; Zanini, Filippo; Carmignato, Simone; Benedetti, Matteo
Wear and material characterization of CuSn10 additively manufactured using directed energy deposition
2023-01-01 Raghavendra, Sunil; Jayashree, Priyadarshini; Rita, Domenico Antonio; Piras, Giuseppe; Scheider, David; Chemello, Marco; Benedetti, Matteo