Del Bianco, Teresa
Del Bianco, Teresa
An investigation of attention to faces and eyes: Looking time is task-dependent in autism spectrum disorder
2018-01-01 Del Bianco, Teresa; Mazzoni, Noemi; Bentenuto, Arianna; Venuti, Paola
Attentional styles can help the detection of subtle signs converging within autism spectrum disorders
2016-01-01 Del Bianco, Teresa; Mazzoni, Noemi; Pasqualotto, Angela
Males and fameles with ASD: a gender comparison between cognitive and behaviorial profile”
2018-01-01 Bentenuto, A.; Peripoli, A.; Landi, I.; Mazzoni, N.; Del Bianco, T.; Basadonne, I.; Carrieri, L.; Cainelli, S.; Venuti, P.
Opposite Developmental Trend in Processing Happy Facial and Bodily Expressions in Children with and without ASD
2020-01-01 Mazzoni, Noemi; Del Bianco, Teresa; Tonelli, Elena; Bentenuto, Arianna; Venuti, Paola
Temporal Profiles of Social Attention Are Different Across Development in Autistic and Neurotypical People
2021-01-01 Del Bianco, Teresa; Mason, Luke; Charman, Tony; Tillman, Julian; Loth, Eva; Hayward, Hannah; Shic, Frederick; Buitelaar, Jan; Johnson, Mark H.; Jones, Emily J. H.; Ahmad, Jumana; Ambrosino, Sara; Banaschewski, Tobias; Baron-Cohen, Simon; Baumeister, Sarah; Beckmann, Christian F.; Bölte, Sven; Bourgeron, Thomas; Bours, Carsten; Brammer, Michael; Brandeis, Daniel; Brogna, Claudia; de Bruijn, Yvette; Cornelissen, Ineke; Crawley, Daisy; Dell'Acqua, Flavio; Dumas, Guillaume; Durston, Sarah; Ecker, Christine; Faulkner, Jessica; Frouin, Vincent; Garcés, Pilar; Goyard, David; Ham, Lindsay; Hipp, Joerg; Holt, Rosemary; Lai, Meng-Chuan; D'Ardhuy, Xavier Liogier; Lombardo, Michael V.; Lythgoe, David J.; Mandl, René; Marquand, Andre; Mennes, Maarten; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Moessnang, Carolin; Mueller, Nico; Murphy, Declan G. M.; Oakley, Bethany; O'Dwyer, Laurence; Oldehinkel, Marianne; Oranje, Bob; Pandina, Gahan; Persico, Antonio M.; Ruggeri, Barbara; Ruigrok, Amber; Sabet, Jessica; Sacco, Roberto; San José Cáceres, Antonia; Simonoff, Emily; Spooren, Will; Toro, Roberto; Tost, Heike; Waldman, Jack; Williams, Steve C. R.; Wooldridge, Caroline; Zwiers, Marcel P.
The Social Gaze: social visual orienting in typical and atypical development
2018-01-01 Del Bianco, Teresa
The thorn in the dyad: A vision on parent-child relationship in autism spectrum disorder
2018-01-01 Del Bianco, T.; Ozturk, Y.; Basadonne, I.; Mazzoni, N.; Venuti, P.
What if I told you a story?
2015-01-01 Failo, A.; Baldo, G.; Zanella, N.; Lucca, V.; Del Bianco, T.