Sprugnoli, Rachele
Sprugnoli, Rachele
A little bit of bella pianura: Detecting Code-Mixing in Historical English Travel Writing
2017-01-01 Sprugnoli, Rachele; Tonelli, Sara; Moretti, Giovanni; Menini, Stefano
ALCIDE: an online platform for the analysis of language and content in a digital environment
2014-01-01 Giovanni, Moretti; Sara, Tonelli; Stefano, Menini; Sprugnoli, Rachele
ALCIDE: extracting and visualising content from large document collections to support humanities studies
2016-01-01 Moretti, Giovanni; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Menini, Stefano; Tonelli, Sara
Annotating causality in the TempEval-3 corpus
2014-01-01 Paramita, Paramita; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Tonelli, Sara; M., Speranza
Creating a ground truth multilingual dataset of news and talk show transcriptions through crowdsourcing
2016-01-01 Sprugnoli, Rachele; Moretti, Giovanni; Bentivogli, Luisa; Giuliani, Diego
CROMER: a Tool for Cross-Document Event and Entity Coreference
2014-01-01 Girardi, Christian; Speranza, Manuela; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Tonelli, Sara
Crowdsourcing for the identification of event nominals: an experiment
2014-01-01 Sprugnoli, Rachele; Lenci, Alessandro
Digging in the Dirt: Extracting Keyphrases from Texts with KD
2015-01-01 Moretti, Giovanni; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Tonelli, Sara
Epistolario De Gasperi: National Edition of De Gasperi’s Letters in Digital Format
2020-01-01 Malfatti, Stefano; Tonelli, Sara; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Moretti, Giovanni; Odorizzi, Marco
EVALITA goes social: tasks, data, and community at the 2016 edition
2017-01-01 Basile, Pierpaolo; Nissim, Malvina; Patti, Viviana; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Cutugno, Francesco
Event Detection and Classification for the Digital Humanities
2018-01-01 Sprugnoli, Rachele
EVENTI evaluation of events and temporal information at Evalita 2014
2014-01-01 Caselli, Tommaso; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Speranza, Manuela; Monachini, Monica
FacTA: Evaluation of Event Factuality and Temporal Anchoring
2015-01-01 Minard, Anne Lyse; Speranza, Manuela; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Caselli, Tommaso
Fifty years of European history through the Lens of Computational Linguistics: the De Gasperi Project
2016-01-01 Sprugnoli, Rachele; Moretti, Giovanni; Tonelli, Sara; Menini, Stefano
Gli strumenti informatici. Sviluppo e risultati
2020-01-01 Tonelli, Sara; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Palmero Aprosio, Alessio; Moretti, Giovanni; Menini, Stefano
Introduction to the second workshop on natural language for artificial intelligence
2018-01-01 Basile, P.; Basile, V.; Croce, D.; Dellorletta, F.; Guerini, M.; Attardi, G.; Augello, A.; Basili, R.; Bosco, C.; Cabrio, E.; Cimino, A.; De Carolis, B. N.; Dragoni, M.; Lenci, A.; Mazzei, A.; Moschitti, A.; Nardi, D.; Nissim, M.; Novielli, N.; Patti, V.; Pilato, G.; Ricci, E.; Rosso, P.; Semeraro, G.; Sprugnoli, R.
It-TimeML and the Ita-TimeBank: language specific adaptations for temporal annotation
2017-01-01 Caselli, Tommaso; Sprugnoli, Rachele
NLP and public engagement: the case of the Italian school reform
2016-01-01 Caselli, Tommaso; Moretti, Giovanni; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Tonelli, Sara; Lanfrey, Damien; Kutzmann, Donatella Solda
Parsing Events: a New Perspective on Old Challenges
2015-01-01 Sprugnoli, Rachele; Dell’Orletta, Felice; Caselli, Tommaso; Montemagni, Simonetta; Bosco, Cristina
Raising interest and collecting suggestions on the EVALITA evaluation campaign
2016-01-01 Sprugnoli, Rachele; Patti, Viviana; Cutugno, Franco