Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip
Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip
Psicologia e scienze cognitive (29/10/12-)
"I'll be the first one on the street to protest against the lockdown": Economic grievances and antilockdown protests during the COVID-19 pandemic in high-income countries
2024-01-01 Chayinska, Maria; Uluğ, Özden Melis; Adam-Troian, Jais; Woo, Yue Ting; Ayanian, Arin H.; Gratzel, Johanna; Paladino, Maria Paola; Vaes, Jeroen
"Masked Emotions" - Measuring Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards Stigmatizing Products (dust masks)
2010-01-01 Vaes, K.; Stappers, P. J.; Standaert, A.; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Cozzi, E.
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"! The Protective Function of Self-Stereotyping for Stigmatised Members' Psychological Well-Being.
2009-01-01 Latrofa, M; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Pastore, M; Cadinu, M.
"We are people": ingroup humanization as an existential defense
2010-01-01 Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Heflick, N. A; Goldenber, J. L.
Advances in understanding humanness and dehumanization
2013-01-01 Bain, P. G.; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Leyens, Jph
Are sexualized women complete human beings? Why men and women dehumanize sexually objectified women
2011-01-01 Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Paladino, Maria Paola; E., Puvia
Assessing neural responses towards objectified human targets and objects to identify processes of sexual objectification that go beyond the metaphor
2019-01-01 Vaes, J.; Cristoforetti, G.; Ruzzante, Daniela; Cogoni, Carlotta; Mazza, V.
Bad guys suffer less (social pain): moral status influences judgements of others' social suffering
2016-01-01 Riva, Paolo; Brambilla, Marco; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip
Being a body: women’s appearance related self-views and their dehumanization of sexually objectified female targets
2013-01-01 Puvia, E.; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip
Bio-genetic vs. psycho-environmental conceptions of schizophrenia and their role in perceiving patients in human terms
2017-01-01 Pavon, G.; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip
Configural face processing and its influence on the timeline of mentalization
2024-01-01 Ruzzante, Daniela; Vaes, Jeroen
Contextual variations of infrahumanization: the role of physical context and territoriality
2012-01-01 Naira Delgado, Rodríguez; Armando Rodríguez, Pérez; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Verónica Betancor, Rodríguez; Jacques Philippe, Leyens
Crisi e opportunità: più cultura metodo-logica
2014-01-01 Paladino, Maria Paola; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip
Crisi migratorie e mobilità umana: una prospettiva multi-disciplinare
2019-01-01 Cortese, F.; Cvajner, M.; Paladino, M.; Vaes, J; Sciortino, G.
De-umanizzazione (e umanizzazione) nelle relazioni intergruppi. La prospettiva della psicologia sociale sperimentale
2012-01-01 Paladino, Maria Paola; Vaes, Jeroen
De-umanizzazione (e umanizzazione) nelle relazioni intergruppi. La prospettiva della psicologia sociale sperimentale.
2011-01-01 Paladino, Maria Paola; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip
Defensive dehumanization in the medical practice: a cross-sectional study from a health care worker's perspective
2013-01-01 Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Martina, Muratore
Dehumanizacja w relacjach miedzygrupowych: funkcje i moderatory (de)humanizacji grupy wlasney i obcej = Dehumanization in intergroup relations: Roles and moderators of ingroup and outgroup (de)humanization.
2012-01-01 Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; Paladino, Maria Paola; Mariana, Miranda
Dehumanization after all: Distinguishing intergroup evalutation from trait-based dehumanization
2023-01-01 Vaes, Jeroen
Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception
2011-01-01 S., Loughnan; P., Kuppens; J., Allik; K., Balazs; S., de Lemus; K., Dumont; R., Gargurevich; I., Hidegkuti; B., Leidner; L., Matos; J., Park; A., Realo; J., Shi; V. E., Sojo; Y. y., Tong; Vaes, Jeroen Andre Filip; P., Verduyn; V., Yeung; N., Haslam