Berloffa, Gabriella
Berloffa, Gabriella
Economia e management (29/10/12-)
A contribution to the analysis of structural change in input-output models
1993-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella
Alla radice dello sviluppo: l'importanza del fattore umano
2010-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Folloni, Giuseppe; I., Schnyder von Wartensee
At the Root of Development: the Importance of the Human Factor
2012-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Folloni, Giuseppe; Schnyder Von Wartensee, Ilaria Maria Franca
Changes in Leisure and Consumption Growth with Unemployment Risk and Decreasing Absolute Risk Aversion
1997-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella
Changing labour market opportunities for young people in Italy and the role of the family of origin
2014-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Modena, Francesca; Villa, Paola
Changing labour market opportunities for young people in Italy and the role of the family of origin.
2015-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Modena, Francesca; Villa, Paola
Development and Economic Growth: the Effectiveness of Traditional Policies
2009-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Folloni, Giuseppe; I., Schnyder
Differences in Equivalent Income Across Cohorts of Households: Evidence from Italy
2010-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Villa, Paola
Does families’ working behaviour affect their children’s school-to-work trajectories
2017-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Matteazzi, Eleonora; Alina, Şandor
Economic well-being in Italy: the role of income insecurity and intergenerational inequality
2010-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Modena, Francesca
Economic well-being in Italy: The role of income insecurity and intergenerational inequality
2012-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Modena, Francesca
Educazione, motore dello sviluppo
2008-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Folloni, Giuseppe
Efficienza, competitività e solidarietà nell'Economia di Comunione
2012-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella
Employment fluctuations and gender segmentation in the Italian labour market
2020-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Tundis, Enrico; Zaninotto, Enrico
En la raíz del Desarollo: La importancia del factor humano
2011-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Folloni, Giuseppe; I., Schnyder von Wartensee
Evoluzione dei redditi familiari e rischi di povertà per le famiglie giovani
2007-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Villa, Paola
Family background and youth labour market outcomes across Europe
2016-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Matteazzi, Eleonora; Villa, Paola
Family strategies to cope with poor labour market outcomes
2016-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Filandri, Marianna; Matteazzi, Eleonora; Nazio, Tiziana; Negri, Nicola; O’Reilly, Jacqueline; Sandor, Alina Mihaela
From Earnings Inequality to Consumption Inequality
2002-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; O., Attanasio; R., Blundell; I., Preston
From Wages to Consumption Inequality: Tracking Shocks
2002-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; O., Attanasio; R., Blundell; I., Preston