Villa, Paola
Villa, Paola
Challenges of Austerity and Retrenchment of Gender Equality
2018-01-01 Addabbo, Tindara; Klatzer, Elisabeth; Schlager, Christa; Villa, Paola; de Villota, Paloma
Comparing youth transitions in Europe: Joblessness, insecurity, institutions, and inequality
2019-01-01 O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Leschke, Janine; Ortlieb, Renate; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin; Villa, Paola
Continuity and Change in the Italian Model
2009-01-01 A., Simonazzi; Villa, Paola; P., Naticchioni; F., Lucidi
Donne e lavoro: i nodi irrisolti
1997-01-01 Villa, Paola
Employment, growth and income inequality. Some open questions
2000-01-01 A., Simonazzi; Villa, Paola
Equal pay in Italy
1998-01-01 F., Bettio; Villa, Paola
Europe at a crossroad: what kind of structural reforms?
2016-01-01 Simonazzi, Annamaria; Villa, Paola
Evoluzione dei redditi familiari e rischi di povertà per le famiglie giovani
2007-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Villa, Paola
Existenzsicherung von Frauen in Italien: aus der Obhut der Familie in die bezhalte Erwerbsarbeit
2008-01-01 Villa, Paola
Famiglia, impresa, società: gli effetti delle politiche di conciliazione
2006-01-01 Villa, Paola
Family, gender equity and growth: history matters
2020-01-01 Villa, Paola
Flessibilità e crescita
1998-01-01 A., Simonazz; Villa, Paola
Flexicurity policies to integrate youth before and after the crisis
2017-01-01 Villa, Paola; Smith, Mark
Gender Equality and the Evolution of the Europe 2020 Strategy
2012-01-01 M. J., Smith; Villa, Paola
Gender equality in the European Employment Strategy
2018-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Matteazzi, Eleonora; Villa, Paola
Gender inequalities in the early labour market experience of young Europeans
2017-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Matteazzi, Eleonora; Villa, Paola; Sandor, Alina Mihaela
Gender inequalities in young Europeans’ labour market entry [in greco]
2019-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Matteazzi, Eleonora; Sandor, Alina; Villa, Paola
Home Care in Italy
2001-01-01 Villa, Paola; P., Degasperi
How can young people’s employment quality be assessed dynamically?
2019-01-01 Berloffa, Gabriella; Matteazzi, Eleonora; Mazzolini, Gabriele Maria; Sandor, Alina Mihaela; Villa, Paola
How Italy’s ‘American Dream’ tourned sour
2010-01-01 A., Simonazzi; Villa, Paola