Bacci, Francesca
Bacci, Francesca
"A moment's monument": the central vision of Italian sculptor Medardo Rosso (1858-1928)
2003-01-01 Melcher, D.; Bacci, F.
"First Hand," Not "First Eye" Knowledge: Bodily Experience in Museums
2014-01-01 Bacci, Francesca; Pavani, Francesco
A supervised machine learning approach to classify brain morphology of professional visual artists versus non-artists
2023-01-01 De Pisapia, Nicola; Grecucci, Alessandro; Rastelli, Clara; Bacci, Francesca; Melcher, David
Art and the Senses
2011-01-01 Bacci, Francesca; Melcher, David Paul
Brain networks for visual creativity: A functional connectivity study of planning a visual artwork
2016-01-01 De Pisapia, Nicola; Bacci, Francesca; Parrott, Danielle Elizabeth; Melcher, David Paul
Consistent Emotions Elicited by Low-Level Visual Features in Abstract Art
2014-01-01 Van Paasschen, Jorien; Zamboni, E.; Bacci, Francesca; Melcher, David Paul
In the eye of the beholder: Employing statistical analysis and eye tracking for analyzing abstract paintings
2012-01-01 Yanulevskaya, Victoria; Uijlings, Jasper Reinout Robertus; Bruni, Elia; Sartori, Andreza; E., Zamboni; Bacci, Francesca; Melcher, David Paul; Sebe, Niculae
Making Sense of Art, Making Art of Sense: Francesca Bacci in conversation with Achille Bonito Oliva
2011-01-01 Bacci, Francesca
Momentary vs. monumentary: Medardo Rosso and public sculpture
2013-01-01 Bacci, Francesca
Nova insula Utopia: introduzione a Tommaso Moro
1999-01-01 Bacci, Francesca
Perception of emotion in abstract artworks: a multidisciplinary approach
2013-01-01 Melcher, David Paul; Bacci, Francesca
Sculpture and Touch?
2011-01-01 Bacci, Francesca
The influence of art expertise and training on emotion and preference ratings for representational and abstract artworks
2015-01-01 Van Paasschen, Jorien; Bacci, Francesca; Melcher, David Paul
The tactile dimensions of abstract paintings: a cross-modal study
2016-01-01 Albertazzi, Liliana; Bacci, Francesca; Canal, Luisa; Micciolo, Rocco