Trobinger, Matteo
Trobinger, Matteo
Ingegneria e scienza dell'Informaz (29/10/12-)
A Case for Ultra-Wideband Concurrent Transmissions in Wireless Control
2024-01-01 Trobinger, Matteo; Picco, Gian Pietro
Competition: CRYSTAL Clear: Making Interference Transparent
2018-01-01 Trobinger, Matteo; Istomin, Timofei; Murphy, Amy L.; Picco, Gian Pietro
Concurrent Transmissions for Multi-hop Communication on Ultra-wideband Radios
2020-01-01 Lobba, Diego; Trobinger, Matteo; Vecchia, Davide; Istomin, Timofei; Picco, Gian Pietro
Fast, Reliable, Low-power Wireless Monitoring and Control with Concurrent Transmissions
2021-07-27 Trobinger, Matteo
Human Occlusion in Ultra-wideband Ranging: What Can the Radio Do for You?
2022-01-01 Minh Le, Vu Anh; Trobinger, Matteo; Vecchia, Davide; Picco, Gian Pietro
Interference-Resilient Ultra-Low Power Aperiodic Data Collection
2018-01-01 Istomin, Timofei; Trobinger, Matteo; Murphy, Amy Lynn; Picco, Gian Pietro
Network on or Off? Instant Global Binary Decisions over UWB with Flick
2023-01-01 Soprana, E.; Trobinger, M.; Vecchia, D.; Picco, G. P.
One flood to route them all: Ultra-fast convergecast of concurrent flows over UWB
2020-01-01 Trobinger, M.; Vecchia, D.; Lobba, D.; Istomin, T.; Picco, G. P.
Poster abstract: Cloves: A Large-scale Ultra-wideband Testbed.
2022-01-01 Molteni, Davide; Picco, Gian Pietro; Trobinger, Matteo; Vecchia, Davide
The Wireless Control Bus: Enabling Efficient Multi-Hop Event-Triggered Control with Concurrent Transmissions
2022-01-01 Trobinger, Matteo; de Albuquerque Gleizer, Gabriel; Istomin, Timofei; Mazo, Manuel; Murphy, Amy L.; Picco, Gian Pietro