Huber-Huber, Christoph
Huber-Huber, Christoph
CIMEC (29/10/12-)
#EEGManyLabs: Investigating the replicability of influential EEG experiments
2021-01-01 Pavlov, Y. G.; Adamian, N.; Appelhoff, S.; Arvaneh, M.; Benwell, C. S. Y.; Beste, C.; Bland, A. R.; Bradford, D. E.; Bublatzky, F.; Busch, N. A.; Clayson, P. E.; Cruse, D.; Czeszumski, A.; Dreber, A.; Dumas, G.; Ehinger, B.; Ganis, G.; He, X.; Hinojosa, J. A.; Huber-Huber, C.; Inzlicht, M.; Jack, B. N.; Johannesson, M.; Jones, R.; Kalenkovich, E.; Kaltwasser, L.; Karimi-Rouzbahani, H.; Keil, A.; Konig, P.; Kouara, L.; Kulke, L.; Ladouceur, C. D.; Langer, N.; Liesefeld, H. R.; Luque, D.; Macnamara, A.; Mudrik, L.; Muthuraman, M.; Neal, L. B.; Nilsonne, G.; Niso, G.; Ocklenburg, S.; Oostenveld, R.; Pernet, C. R.; Pourtois, G.; Ruzzoli, M.; Sass, S. M.; Schaefer, A.; Senderecka, M.; Snyder, J. S.; Tamnes, C. K.; Tognoli, E.; van Vugt, M. K.; Verona, E.; Vloeberghs, R.; Welke, D.; Wessel, J. R.; Zakharov, I.; Mushtaq, F.
Attention capture is temporally stable: Evidence from mixed-model correlations
2018-01-01 Weichselbaum, H.; Huber-Huber, C.; Ansorge, U.
Enumerating the forest before the trees: The time courses of estimation-based and individuation-based numerical processing
2021-01-01 Melcher, David Paul; Huber-Huber, Christoph; Wutz, Andreas Gerhard
Forward and backward blocking in statistical learning
2024-01-01 Nazlı, İlayda; Ferrari, Ambra; Huber-Huber, Christoph; de Lange, Floris P.
Nasotemporal ERP differences: Evidence for increased inhibition of temporal distractors
2015-01-01 Huber-Huber, C.; Grubert, A.; Ansorge, U.; Eimer, M.
Psychophysical dual-task setups do not measure pre-saccadic attention but saccade-related strengthening of sensory representations
2021-01-01 Huber-Huber, Christoph; Steininger, Julia; Grüner, Markus; Ansorge, Ulrich
Saccade execution increases the preview effect with faces: An EEG and eye-tracking coregistration study
2023-01-01 Huber-Huber, Christoph; Melcher, David
The behavioural preview effect with faces is susceptible to statistical regularities: Evidence for predictive processing across the saccade
2021-01-01 Huber-Huber, Christoph; Melcher, David Paul
The extrafoveal preview paradigm as a measure of predictive, active sampling in visual perception
2021-01-01 Huber-Huber, Christoph; Buonocore, Antimo; Melcher, David
The peripheral preview effect with faces: combined EEG and eye-tracking suggests multiple stages of trans-saccadic predictive and non-predictive processing
2019-01-01 Huber-Huber, C.; Buonocore, A.; Dimigen, O.; Hickey, C.; Melcher, D.
The Role of RT Carry-Over for Congruence Sequence Effects in Masked Priming
2017-01-01 Huber-Huber, C.; Ansorge, U.
Unconscious conflict adaptation without feature-repetitions and response time carry-over
2018-01-01 Huber-Huber, C.; Ansorge, U.
Using temporally aligned event-related potentials for the investigation of attention shifts prior to and during saccades
2016-01-01 Huber-Huber, C.; Ditye, T.; Marchante Fernandez, M.; Ansorge, U.
{S-ketamine influences strategic allocation of attention but not exogenous capture of attention}
2015-01-01 Fuchs, Isabella; Ansorge, Ulrich; Huber-Huber, Christoph; H(\,