Morettin, Paolo
Morettin, Paolo
Ingegneria e scienza dell'Informaz (29/10/12-)
Advanced SMT techniques for weighted model integration
2019-01-01 Morettin, Paolo; Passerini, Andrea; Sebastiani, Roberto
Chapter 22. Semantic Loss Functions for Neuro-Symbolic Structured Prediction
2023-01-01 Ahmed, Kareem; Teso, Stefano; Morettin, Paolo; Di Liello, Luca; Ardino, Pierfrancesco; Gobbi, Jacopo; Liang, Yitao; Wang, Eric; Chang, Kai-Wei; Passerini, Andrea; Van den Broeck, Guy
Co-creating Platformer Levels with Constrained Adversarial Networks
2021-01-01 Morettin, Paolo; Passerini, Andrea; Teso, Stefano
Efficient Generation of Structured Objects with Constrained Adversarial Networks
2020-01-01 Di Liello, Luca; Ardino, Pierfrancesco; Gobbi, Jacopo; Morettin, Paolo; Teso, Stefano; Passerini, Andrea
Efficient Weighted Model Integration via SMT-Based Predicate Abstraction
2017-01-01 Morettin, Paolo; Passerini, Andrea; Sebastiani, Roberto
Enhancing SMT-based Weighted Model Integration by structure awareness
2024-01-01 Spallitta, G.; Masina, G.; Morettin, P.; Passerini, A.; Sebastiani, R.
Hybrid Probabilistic Inference with Logical and Algebraic Constraints: a Survey
2021-01-01 Morettin, Paolo; Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro; Kolb, Samuel; Passerini, Andrea
Is Parameter Learning via Weighted Model Integration Tractable?
2021-01-01 Zeng, Zhe; Morettin, Paolo; Yan, Fanqi; Vergari, Antonio; Passerini, Andrea; Van den Broeck, Guy
Learning and Reasoning in Hybrid Structured Spaces
2020-05-29 Morettin, Paolo
Learning Weighted Model Integration Distributions
2020-01-01 Morettin, Paolo; Kolb, Samuel; Teso, Stefano; Passerini, Andrea
NES2RA: Network expansion by stratified variable subsetting and ranking aggregation
2018-01-01 Asnicar, Francesco; Masera, Luca; Coller, Emanuela; Gallo, Caterina; Sella, Nadir; Tolio, Thomas; Morettin, Paolo; Erculiani, Luca; Galante, Francesca; Semeniuta, Stanislau; Malacarne, Giulia; Engelen, Kristof; Argentini, Andrea; Cavecchia, Valter; Moser, Claudio; Blanzieri, Enrico
SMT-based Weighted Model Integration with Structure Awareness
2022-01-01 Spallitta, Giuseppe; Masina, Gabriele; Morettin, Paolo; Passerini, Andrea; Sebastiani, Roberto
The pywmi Framework and Toolbox for Probabilistic Inference using Weighted Model Integration
2019-01-01 Kolb, Samuel; Morettin, Paolo; Zuidberg Dos Martires, Pedro; Sommavilla, Francesco; Passerini, Andrea; Sebastiani, Roberto; De Raedt, Luc
TN-Grid and gene@home Project: Volunteer Computing for Bioinformatics
2015-01-01 Asnicar, Francesco; Sella, Nadir; Masera, Luca; Morettin, Paolo; Tolio, Thomas; Semeniuta, Stanislau; Moser, Claudio; Blanzieri, Enrico; Cavecchia, Valter
Towards a Unified Framework for Probabilistic Verification of AI Systems
2023-01-01 Morettin, Paolo; Passerini, Andrea; Sebastiani, Roberto