Ravi Shekhar, Ravi Shekhar
Ravi Shekhar, Ravi Shekhar
Ask No More: Deciding when to guess in referential visual dialogue
2018-01-01 Ravi, Shekhar; Tim, Baumgärtner; Aashish, Venkatesh; Elia, Bruni; Bernardi, Raffaella; Raquel, Fernandez
Beyond task success: A closer look at jointly learning to see, ask, and GuessWhat
2019-01-01 Shekhar, Ravi; Venkatesh, Aashish; Baumgärtner, Tim; Bruni, Elia; Plank, Barbara; Bernardi, Raffaella; Fernández, Raquel
Building a bagpipe with a bag and a pipe: Exploring Conceptual Combination in Vision
2016-01-01 Pezzelle, Sandro; Ravi Shekhar, Ravi Shekhar; Bernardi, Raffaella
Evaluating the Representational Hub of Language and Vision Models
2019-01-01 Shekhar, Ravi; Takmaz, Ece; Fernández, Raquel; Bernardi, Raffaella
FOIL it! Find One mismatch between Image and Language caption.
2017-01-01 Shekhar, Ravi; Pezzelle, Sandro; Klimovich, Yauhen; Herbelot, Aurelie; Nabi, Moin; Sangineto, Enver; Bernardi, Raffaella
Jointly learning to see, ask, decide when to stop, and then GuessWhat
2019-01-01 Shekhar, Ravi; Testoni, Alberto; Fernández, Raquel; Bernardi, Raffaella
Learning to merge - language and vision: A deep evaluation of the encoder, the role of the two modalities, the role of the training task.
2019-01-01 Shekhar, Ravi
The Devil is in the Detail: A Magnifying Glass for the GuessWhich Visual Dialogue Game
2019-01-01 Testoni, Alberto; Shekhar, Ravi; Fernández, Raquel; Bernardi, Raffaella
Vision and Language Integration: Moving beyond Objects
2017-01-01 Ravi, Shekhar; Pezzelle, Sandro; Herbelot, Aurelie Georgette Geraldine; Nabi, Moin; Sangineto, Enver; Bernardi, Raffaella