Emanuelli, Lorena

Emanuelli, Lorena  

Ingegneria industriale (29/10/12-)  

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Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
3D metrological characterization of functionally graded porous beta-titanium cellular structures to reproduce the complex internal human bone architecture 1-gen-2022 Lorena EmanuelliAlireza JamRaffaele De BiasiMatteo BenedettiMassimo Pellizzari +
Anisotropy in AISI 316L produced by Binder Jetting 3D printing: Sintering shrinkage and thermal conductivity 1-gen-2024 Emanuelli, LorenaSartori, NicoleMahmood, HaroonSegata, GiacomoNicchiotti, ValentinaMolinari, Alberto. +
Effect of heat treatment temperature and turning residual stresses on the plain and notch fatigue strength of Ti-6Al-4V additively manufactured via laser powder bed fusion 1-gen-2022 Emanuelli L.Molinari A.Benedetti M. +
Effect of the sintering parameters on the liquid Co migration in WC-Co 1-gen-2018 Emanuelli L.Molinari A. +
Effects of process parameters, debinding and sintering on the microstructure of 316L stainless steel produced by binder jetting 1-gen-2021 Emanuelli, LorenaMolinari, Alberto +
Heat treatment behaviour of IN718 superalloy fabricated by laser-powder bed fusion 1-gen-2023 Emanuelli, L.Deirmina, F.Pellizzari, M.
Heat treatment of a Beta-Ti21S alloy produced by additive manufacturing 1-gen-2023 Emanuelli, LorenaTonon, VassiliPellizzari, Massimo +
Influence of heat treatment on the mechanical performance of Ti21S octet truss lattice structure fabricated by laser powder bed fusion 1-gen-2024 Jam, A.Pellizzari, M.Emanuelli, L.Benedetti, M. +
Influence of sintering temperature on shrinkage anisotropy in Cr-Mo low alloy steel green compacts 1-gen-2014 Emanuelli, LorenaMenapace, CinziaCristofolini, IlariaMolinari, Alberto +
Interaction between WC and Inconel 625 under Solid and Liquid State Sintering Conditions 1-gen-2021 Emanuelli, LorenaMolinari, AlbertoPellizzari, Massimo
Manufacturability of functionally graded porous β-Ti21S auxetic architected biomaterials produced by laser powder bed fusion: Comparison between 2D and 3D metrological characterization 1-gen-2023 Emanuelli, LorenaJam, AlirezaDe Biasi, RaffaeleBenedetti, MatteoPellizzari, Massimo +
Metrological characterization of porosity graded β-Ti21S triply periodic minimal surface cellular structure manufactured by laser powder bed fusion 1-gen-2023 Emanuelli, LorenaDe Biasi, RaffaeleJam, AlirezaBenedetti, MatteoPellizzari, Massimo +
Optimising β-Ti21S Alloy Lattice Structures for Enhanced Femoral Implants: A Study on Mechanical and Biological Performance 1-gen-2025 Lorena EmanuelliMelika BabaeiRaffaele De BiasiFrancesca AgostinacchioAntonella MottaMatteo BenedettiMassimo Pellizzari +
Production of a Reinforced Refractory Multielement Alloy via High-Energy Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering 1-gen-2023 Shaik, KNREmanuelli, L +
Shot peening of a sintered Ni-Cu-Mo steel produced by diffusion bonded powders 1-gen-2015 Emanuelli, LorenaBiesuz, MattiaLibardi, StefanoMolinari, Alberto +
Study of microstructure and mechanical properties of 17-4 PH stainless steel produced via Binder Jetting 1-gen-2023 Emanuelli, LorenaSegata, GiacomoMolinari, Alberto +
Study of the properties of cemented carbides from industrial production 1-gen-2018 Emanuelli, Lorena
Thermal fatigue behaviour of WC-20Co and WC-30(CoNiCrFe) cemented carbide 1-gen-2016 Emanuelli, LorenaPellizzari, MassimoMolinari, Alberto +