Della Sala, Vincenzo
Della Sala, Vincenzo
Sociologia e ricerca sociale (29/10/12-)
"Adesso le cose sono cambiate": Matteo Renzi e l'Unione Europea
2016-01-01 Brunazzo, Marco; Della Sala, Vincenzo
A Good Idea That Lost Its Way: Cohesion Policy in the EU
2012-01-01 Brunazzo, Marco; Della Sala, Vincenzo
A Less Close Union? The European Union’s Search for Unity amid Crisis
2011-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Antiterrorismo e stato: dalla sicurezza nazionale alla sicurezza umana
2005-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Birth of a Union: Lessons for North America from the European Union
2008-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Capital Blight? The Regulation of Financial Institutions in Italy and Canada
1994-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Citizens and the Italian Parliament
2002-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Committees in the Italian Parliament: Parliament at Work
1993-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Constitution-making and Citizenship Practice - Bridging the Democracy Gap in the European Union
1997-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
D'Alema's dilemmas: third way, Italian style
2002-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Da risorsa a vincolo? L'Italia e il patto di stabilità e crescita
2006-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Deliberative democracy input-output legitimacy and the meaning of civil society
2007-01-01 Ruzza, Carlo; Della Sala, Vincenzo
Democracy, Civil Society and Governance
2005-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Europe's Autumn? Popular Sovereignty and Economic Crisis in the European Union
2012-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
European Polity Building: Searching for legitimacy between economic and social Europe
2005-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Europe’s odyssey?: political myth andthe European Union
2016-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Eurosceptics and Europhiles in accord: the creation of the European Ombudsman as an institutional isomorphism
2008-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
Fear and Uncertainty in Europe: The Return to Realism?
2019-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo; Belloni, Roberto; Viotti, Paul
From Maastricht to modernization: EMU and the Italian social state
2004-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo
From Resource to Constraint? Italy and the Stability and Growth Pact
2007-01-01 Della Sala, Vincenzo