Proietti, Giorgia
Proietti, Giorgia
Lettere e filosofia (29/10/12-)
"Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit". Forme di acculturazione inversa nella grecità romana’: Trento 24 maggio 2011 [Cronaca del convegno ]
2011-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
"Storie prima delle Storie". La memoria pre-erodotea delle Guerre Persiane
2014-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
A collective war trauma in Classical Athens? Coping with the human cost of warfare in Aeschylus' Persians
2022-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Ancient reality, modern perceptions. A status quaestionis on the Athenian Demosion Sema as a (non) national military cemetery
2023-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Annual Games for War Dead and Founders in Classical Times. Between Hero-Cult and Civic Honors
2019-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Athens as a 'Landscape of Trauma': Phrynichus' Sack of Miletus and the Aftermath of the Persian Wars
2019-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Athens, 480 BC: trauma as an anchor. The destruction of the city, and the rebuilding of the community
In corso di stampa Proietti, Giorgia
Beyond the ‘Invention of Athens’: the 5th century Athenian Tatenkatalog as example of ‘Intentional History’
2015-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Caduti megaresi durante la seconda guerra persiana
2017-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Can an Ancient Truth Become an Old Lie? A Few Methodological Remarks Concerning Current Comparative Research on War and its Aftermath
2019-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Commemorating war and war dead. Ancient and modern
2019-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia; Franchi, Elena; Giangiulio, Maurizio
Commemorating War Dead and Inventing Battle Heroes: Heroic Paradigms and Discursive Strategies in Ancient Athens and Phocis
2015-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia; Franchi, Elena
Conflict in Communities: Forward-looking Memories in Classical Athens
2017-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia; Franchi, Elena
Eine Erinnerungsgeschichte zur Schlacht von Salamis
2022-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia; Ferrario, Marco
Embedded inscriptions in Herodotus and Thucydides. Philippika. Contributions to the study of ancient world cultures
2023-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Epigrammi simonidei, oracoli erodotei, e i Persiani di Eschilo. Esercizi di filologia oracolare attorno alle Guerre Persiane
2023-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Erodoto storico orale. Una lettura alla luce degli studi socio-antropologici sulla tradizione orale
2023-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Fare i conti con la guerra: forme del discorso civico ad Atene nel V secolo (con uno sguardo all'età contemporanea)
2017-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
Fashioning the Future in Roman Greece. Memory, Monuments, Texts
2024-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia
2019-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia; Franchi, Elena; Giangiulio, Maurizio