Ferrario, Marco
Ferrario, Marco
Before Serindia: The Achaemenid Empire Along and Astride the Silk Roads
2022-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Before Skunḫa. A (Trans)Local Perspective on the Rise of the Teispid-Achaemenid Frontiers in Baktria, Sogdiana, and Beyond
2023-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Cherchez la femme: Power and Female Agency in Bactria at the dawn of the Hellenistic Age
2020-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Eine Erinnerungsgeschichte zur Schlacht von Salamis
2022-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia; Ferrario, Marco
Expanders of the Realm
2024-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Far away from Pārsa: Empire, Borders, and Ideology in Achaemenid Bactria
2022-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
From Alexander to Menander (through Darius): The imperial space of Ancient Central Asia and its context(s)
2021-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Herodotus on Bactria between Achaemenid Mobility and Alexander’s campaign. Some reflections
2021-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Just send me words. The Imperial Political Economies in Ancient Bactria
2023-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
K. Wojciech (2022): Wie die Athener Ihre Vergangenheit verhandelten. Rede und Erinnerung im 5. Und 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr., Berlin - Boston 2022
In corso di stampa Proietti, Giorgia; Ferrario, Marco
Kostopoulos, Katharina. Die Vergangenheit vor Augen. Erinnerungsräume bei den attischen Rednern [review]
2021-01-01 Proietti, Giorgia; Ferrario, Marco
Men Who Would Be Kings: Cyrus, Darius, Skunha and the Atemporal Dimension of History: Anthropology at Bīsutūn
2024-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Oh, Heaven Is a Place on Earth. Imperial Paradigm and Local (Female) Agency in Late Achaemenid and Early Hellenistic Bactria: A Model of Paradise Politics
2024-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
2021-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
The Pursuit of Happiness? Persian (Hi)stories of Empire and Domination
2024-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
The Social Network: The Local Experience of Empire(s) Across Ancient Afghanistan
2023-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
The Steppe Frontiers of Pārsa: Negotiating the Northeastern Borderlands of the Teispid-Achaemenid Empire
2023-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Travels with Herodotus. Space control, historical (non)fiction, and The Limits of Empire in Chorasmia
2022-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Uno, nessuno, centomila. L’Asia centrale achemenide e le sue fonti: alcune note di merito e di metodo. Parte 1
2020-01-01 Ferrario, Marco
Uno, nessuno, centomila. L’Asia centrale achemenide e le sue fonti: alcune note di merito e di metodo. Parte 2
2021-01-01 Ferrario, Marco