Novokhatko, Anna

Novokhatko, Anna  

Lettere e filosofia (29/10/12-)  

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Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
(E.) Paillard, (S.) Milanezi (edd.) Theatre and Metatheatre. Definitions, Problems, Limits. (MythosEikonPoiesis 11.) Pp. x + 308, colour ill. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. Cased, £100, €109.95, US$126.99. ISBN: 978-3-11-063741-0. 1-gen-2023 A. Novokhatko
(N.) Worman Landscape and the Spaces of Metaphor in Ancient Literary Theory and Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Pp. 378. £64.99. 9780521769556. 1-gen-2017 A. Novokhatko
A Guide to Classics and Cognitive Studies: Reviewing findings and results 1-gen-2025 Novokhatko, Anna
Ancient theories of figures 1-gen-2014 A. Novokhatko
Ancient theories of metaphor 1-gen-2014 A. Novokhatko
Ancient theories of tropes 1-gen-2014 A. Novokhatko
Antikes Heldentum in der Moderne: Konzepte, Praktiken, Medien 1-gen-2019 A. Novokhatko +
Awareness of linguistic variation in Archaic and Classical Greece 1-gen-2020 A. Novokhatko
Cinematizing the epic gaze: Julius Caesar and Pompey in Lucan and in the BBC television series Rome 1-gen-2021 A. Novokhatko
Classics@20: Digital Text Analysis of Greek and Latin sources; Methods, Tools, Perspectives 1-gen-2022 A. Novokhatko +
Contemporary Metaphor Studies and Classical Texts 1-gen-2021 Novokhatko, Anna
Cristoforo Landinos Xandra und die Transformationen römischer Liebesdichtung des Quattrocento 1-gen-2016 W. KoflerA. Novokhatko
Dal corpo civico al cor(p)o satiresco: alcuni approcci cognitivi 1-gen-2022 A. Novokhatko
Das Mosaik der frühen literaturkritischen Studien 1-gen-2024 A. Novokhatko
Die neulateinische Dichtung in Frankreich zur Zeit der Pléiade / La Poésie néo-latine en France au temps de la Pléiade 1-gen-2015 Wolfgang KoflerAnna Novokhatko +
Digital Classics – eine Bestandsaufnahme zu fließenden Grenzen 1-gen-2020 A. Novokhatko +
Digital Methods of Analysing and Reconstructing Ancient Greek and Latin Texts 1-gen-2022 A. Novokhatko +
Digitale Altertumswissenschaften: Thesen und Debatten zu Methoden und Anwendungen 1-gen-2020 A. Novokhatko +
Digitale Werkzeuge im altsprachlichen Unterricht: Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Problemfelder 1-gen-2022 A. Novokhatko