Capuzzo, Giacomo

Capuzzo, Giacomo  

Lettere e filosofia (29/10/12-)  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 51 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.027 secondi).
Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
14C-dating of wooden buildings in Flanders (Belgium). A problem of reliability? 1-gen-2020 Capuzzo G +
A Database for radiocarbon dates. Some methodological and theoretical issues about its implementation 1-gen-2014 Capuzzo G +
An urn from Tongerlo in the archaeological collection of Ghent University (Belgium) 1-gen-2019 Capuzzo G +
Análisis Espacio-Temporales en arqueología. Estudio de la evolución hacia la edad del Hierro en el noroeste del Mediterráneo: un enfoque metodológico 1-gen-2012 Capuzzo G
Arqueología Cuantitativa. Más allá de una simple técnica 1-gen-2017 Capuzzo G +
Bewoning, begraving en rituelen uit de midden bronstijd A en de ijzertijd te Aalst – Rozendreef (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België) 1-gen-2022 Capuzzo G +
Capítulo 14. Modelos cronométricos en OxCal 1-gen-2020 Capuzzo G +
Chapter 1. Measuring, Counting and Explaining: An Introduction to Mathematics in Archaeology 1-gen-2015 Capuzzo G +
Cremation burials in central and southwestern Europe: quantifying an adoption of innovation in the 2nd millennium BC 1-gen-2022 Capuzzo G +
Cremation vs. inhumation: modeling cultural changes in funerary practices from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages in Belgium using Kernel Density Analysis on 14C data 1-gen-2020 Capuzzo G +
CRUMBEL - Crémations, Urnes et Mobilité - La dynamique du peuplement de la Belgique 1-gen-2019 Capuzzo G +
Cultural changes in the 2nd millennium BC: a Bayesian examination of radiocarbon evidence from Switzerland and Catalonia 1-gen-2015 Capuzzo G +
De la inhumación a la cremación en el nordeste peninsular: cronología y sociedad 1-gen-2017 Capuzzo G +
Divergence, diet, and disease: the identification of group identity, landscape use, health, and mobility in the fifth- to sixth-century AD burial community of Echt, the Netherlands 1-gen-2021 Capuzzo G +
Een nieuwe kijk op de populatie van de beide urnenvelden te Velzeke. Strontiumanalyse van gecremeerd bot als indicator van mobiliteit tijdens de late brosntijd en de vroege ijzertijd 1-gen-2021 Capuzzo G +
El análisis espacial de las acumulaciones temporales (The spatial analysis of temporal accumulations) 1-gen-2015 Capuzzo G +
Estimating age-at-death in burnt adult human remains using the Falys-Prangle method 1-gen-2021 Capuzzo G +
EUBAR: a database of 14C measurements for the European Bronze Age. A Bayesian analysis of 14C-dated archaeological contexts from Northern Italy and Southern France 1-gen-2014 Capuzzo G +
Explaining the Adoption of “Innovations” in Western Europe during Bronze Age: Towards an Agent-Based Simulation 1-gen-2015 Capuzzo G +
Final Neolithic and Bronze Age funerary practices and population dynamics in Belgium, the impact of radiocarbon dating cremated bones 1-gen-2023 Capuzzo G +