Palestini Céspedes, Stefano Emilio
Palestini Céspedes, Stefano Emilio
Sociologia e ricerca sociale (29/10/12-)
Risultati 1 - 10 di 10 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.025 secondi).
Development and Regionalism
2018-01-01 De Lombaerde, Philippe; Kingah, Stephan; Lizarazo, Lilian; Palestini, Stefano
From Dependency Theories to Mechanisms of Dependency: The Contribution of Latin American dependentistas to Global IR
2021-01-01 Palestini, Stefano
Infrastructure: Explaining the Divergent Experiences of Central and South America
2024-01-01 Agostinis, Giovanni; Palestini, Stefano
Las Teorías Latinoamericanas de la Dependencia: variedades, límites, y aplicaciones contemporáneas
2021-01-01 Palestini, Stefano
Regional democracy protection
2024-01-01 Palestini, Stefano
Regional Development Governance
2016-01-01 Bruszt, Lazslo; Palestini, Stefano
The Dependency Research Programme: Its Latin American Origins and Global Contemporary Applications
2023-01-01 Palestini, Stefano
The elephant in the room: legitimacy and (de)legitimation of international sanctions
2024-01-01 Palestini, Stefano
The Politics of Energy Regionalism
2021-01-01 Hancock, Kathleen; Palestini, Stefano; Szulecki, Kacper
The politics of old and new regional development banks
2022-01-01 Palestini, Stefano