Russo, Alessandra
Russo, Alessandra
Sociologia e ricerca sociale (29/10/12-)
A 'Potemkin Village'? Governance Transfer by the CIS
2015-01-01 Russo, Alessandra
Bridging the Gaps Between International Relations and Area Studies
2023-01-01 D’Amato, Silvia; Dian, Matteo; Russo, Alessandra
Caring, protecting and disciplining: The surveillance of social science researchers in the dangerhood
2019-01-01 Russo, Alessandra; Strazzari, F.
EAEU and authoritarian regionalism
2024-01-01 Russo, Alessandra
In Lieu of a Conclusion: The Ongoingness of a Debate
2023-01-01 D'Amato, Silvia; Dian, Matteo; Russo, Alessandra
In the Field
2020-01-01 Beals, Emma; Diab, Osama; Russo, Alessandra
La sicurezza europea guarda al Vicinato Orientale: instabilità politiche nel Caucaso meridionale e conflitto nel Nagorno-Karabakh viste da Bruxelles
2024-01-01 Russo, Alessandra
Le armi nel mondo: mercati legali ed extralegali, tra prospettive globali e locali
2018-01-01 Russo, Alessandra
L’Europa di fronte alla guerra
2023-01-01 Russo, Alessandra
The Politics of Safe Research in Violent and Illiberal Contexts
2020-01-01 Russo, Alessandra; Strazzari, Francesco
The state before criminal firearms
2021-01-01 Russo, A.; Buscemi, F.
Transnational Repression and Migration Diplomacy: The Case of Italian–Egyptian Relations
2024-01-01 Furstenberg, Saipira; Russo, Alessandra; Kennedy, Gillian
‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’: Transnational Perspectives on the Extra-legal Field
2019-01-01 Polese, A.; Russo, Alessandra; Strazzari, F.