Berti, Carlo
Berti, Carlo
Risultati 1 - 14 di 14 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.032 secondi).
Character assassination as a right-wing populist communication tactic on social media: The case of Matteo Salvini in Italy
2021-01-01 Berti, Carlo; Loner, Enzo
Conclusions: Bursting the Brussels Bubble—How the Impact of Populism Can Be Exploited to Make the European Union Better
2021-01-01 Berti, Carlo; Ruzza, Carlo; Cossarini, Paolo
Corruption and the media
2020-01-01 Berti, Carlo; Bratu, Roxana; Wickberg, Sofia
Diversity in Reporting? A Study of the News coverage of the 2016 New Zealand Local Body Elections
2017-01-01 Baker, Sarah; Owen, Thomas; Rupar, Verica; Myllylahti, Merja; Devadas, Vijay; Craig, Geoffrey; Berti, Carlo
Framing right-wing populist satire: The case study of Ghisberto's cartoons in Italy
2020-01-01 Polli, Chiara; Berti, Carlo
Populism, Science and Covid-19 as a Political Opportunity: The Case of the European Parliament
2022-01-01 Berti, Carlo; Ruzza, Carlo
Right-wing populism and the criminalization of sea-rescue NGOs: the ‘Sea-Watch 3’ case in Italy, and Matteo Salvini’s communication on Facebook
2021-01-01 Berti, C.
Rotten Apples or Rotten System? Media Framing of Political Corruption in New Zealand and Italy
2018-01-01 Berti, Carlo
The 2019 European Elections on Twitter between Populism, Euroscepticism and Nationalism: The Case of Italy
2020-01-01 Berti, Carlo; Loner, Enzo
The Discursive Construction of Migration and Democracy in the European Parliament: A Model of Reciprocal Influence Between Populists and Non-populists Through Polarization and Fragmentation
2021-01-01 Berti, Carlo
The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society
2021-01-01 Ruzza, Carlo; Berti, Carlo; Cossarini, Paolo
The Impact of Populism on the European Union: ‘The People’ and the Brussels Bubble
2021-01-01 Cossarini, Paolo; Ruzza, Carlo; Berti, Carlo
The role of the media in regulating contested issues: The case of "lafo" and "koha" in New Zealand politics
2018-01-01 Berti, Carlo
What kind of country we want for our children: an analysis of media coverage of the 2017 New Zealand General Election
2018-01-01 Mills, Keri; Berti, Carlo; Rupar, Verica