Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
'Introduction' to the special issue on the 'History and Methodology of Econometrics'
1989-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; N., De Marchi
A model of US cereals food aid flows with an application to trade liberalisation
1996-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Agricultural commodity price volatility
2005-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; J., Dehn; P., Varangis
Analisis de la Cadena de Valor y Poder de Mercado en el Procesamiento de Productos Basicos con aplication a los sectors del Cacao y el CafÞ
2008-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Anomalies in Economics and Finance
2010-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Are metals prices becoming more volatile?
1996-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Bivariate FIGARCH and fractional cointegration
2000-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; C., Brunetti
Buffer stocks, helding , and risk reduction
1988-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Can we link concessional debt service to commodity prices?
2005-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; A., Tabova
Capital account convertibility, poor developing countries and international financial architecture
2001-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; G., Irwin; D., Vines
Cocoa market liberalization in retrospect
2009-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Commodities in Crisis
1993-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Commodity Agreements
1992-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; R., Anderson
Commodity agreements and commodity markets: lesson from tin
1988-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; R., Anderson
Commodity market stabilization - a comparison of simple and optimal strategies in a model of the world copper market
1984-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; S., Ghosh; H. A. J., Hallett
Commodity market stabilization - a comparison of simple and optimal strategies in a model of the world copper market
1985-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; S., Ghosh; A. H., Hallett
Commodity Markets
1992-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Commodity Price Risk Management: Chances and Limitations
2000-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
Commodity price stabilization: the Massel model and multiplicative disturbances
1986-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie
commodity price volatility in the nineties
1996-01-01 Gilbert, Christopher Leslie; C., Brunetti