Miotello, Antonio

Miotello, Antonio  

Fisica (29/10/12-)  

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Titolo Anno di pubblicazione Autori Unitn File
3D hierarchical nanostructures of iron oxides coatings prepared by pulsed laser deposition for photocatalytic water purification 1-gen-2017 Raju EdlaMichele OrlandiNicola BazzanellaAntonio Miotello +
A new apparatus for carbon monoxide oxidation studies performed over thin film catalysts 1-gen-2013 Patel, Nainesh KantilalWarang, Trupti NandkumarFernandes, Rohan PascalCestari, ClaudioAvi, DamianoBazzanella, NicolaEdla, RajuEl Koura, ZakariaMiotello, Antonio
A new approach to thermal-spike sputtering with ions and laser pulses 1-gen-1998 Miotello, Antonio +
A new model for dielectric-relaxation and transport processes in mixed-alkali silicate-glasses 1-gen-1991 Miotello, Antonio +
A new model for the hydrogen dimerization in alpha-SiO2 1-gen-1992 Miotello, Antonio +
A note on enhanced diffusion and desorption processes in electron-irradiated glasses 1-gen-1986 Miotello, Antonio
A simple mathematical and physical analysis of nonequilibrium segregation effects in a freezing liquid aluminum layer after a nanosecond laser-pulse irradiation 1-gen-1981 Miotello, Antonio +
A study of deuterium permeation through thin BN films 1-gen-1997 Checchetto, RiccardoMiotello, Antonio +
A study, using nuclear techniques, of waveguides produced by electromigration processes 1-gen-1991 Miotello, AntonioQuaranta, Alberto +
A survey of existing theories and a new proposal regarding ionic-conductivity in mixed-alkali silicate-glasses 1-gen-1988 Miotello, Antonio +
A unique amorphous cobalt-phosphide-boride bifunctional electrocatalyst for enhanced alkaline water-splitting 1-gen-2019 Miotello A +
Advancing solar wastewater treatment: A photocatalytic process via green ZnO/g-C3N4 coatings and concentrated sunlight – Comprehensive insights into ciprofloxacin antibiotic inactivation 1-gen-2024 El Golli, AsmaLosa, DavideGioia, ClaudioFendrich, MuriloBajpai, Om PrakashJousson, OlivierOrlandi, MicheleMiotello, Antonio
Ageing effects of thin films prepared by ion beam assisted deposition: a multi-technique characterization 1-gen-1996 Miotello, Antonio +
Alkali migration in glasses on electron, proton and heavier ion irradiations 1-gen-1982 Della Mea, GianantonioMiotello, Antonio +
Alkali migration in ion irradiated glasses 1-gen-1984 Della Mea, GianantonioMiotello, Antonio +
Alkali signal decay during Auger analysis of dielectric solids - secondary effect of desorption process 1-gen-1984 Miotello, Antonio +
Alkali-metal segregation at glass surfaces during electron-irradiation 1-gen-1991 Miotello, Antonio +
Aluminum and iron surface modification by deuterium ion implantation and thermal desorption process 1-gen-2002 Checchetto, RiccardoGratton, LuigiMiotello, Antonio
An all-optical single-step process for production of nanometric-sized !uorescent diamonds 1-gen-2018 L. BassoF. GorriniM. CazzanelliN. BazzanellaA. Miotello +
An immobilized iron-oxides catalytic platform for photocatalysis and photosynthesis: Visible light induced hydroxylation reactions 1-gen-2022 Fendrich M.Orlandi M.Miotello A. +