Lorenzini, Sara
Lorenzini, Sara
Lettere e filosofia (29/10/12-)
"Les Etats-Unis d'Europe" and the First Nobel Peace Prizes - An Outline
2004-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
A more democratic community: The place of democracy in the history of European integration
2024-01-01 Lorenzini, S.; Tulli, U.
Ace in the hole or hole in the pocket? The Italian Mezzogiorno and the story of a troubled transition from development model to development donor
2017-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Alcide De Gasperi e il reinserimento dell’Italia nella scena internazionale, 1944-1948: introduzione
2008-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Alcide De Gasperi federalista europeo
2005-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Anfänge Globaler Umweltpolitik: Umweltsicherheit in der internationalen Politik (1969-1975)
2014-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
At the Origins of European Foreign Policy: European Exceptionalism and the Case of European Development Aid
2018-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Barbara Ward and the Transformative Power of the Stockholm Conference: At the Birth of Sustainable Development
2023-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Building Megadams in the Post-Colonial Era: the Growing Awareness of Environmental Impact
2024-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara; de Simone, Sara
Cold War Germany, the Third World, and the Global Humanitarian Regime
2015-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Comecon and the South in the Years of Détente: A Study on East-South Economic Relations
2014-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Development and the Security Paradox. How development was born to grant security but failed to do so
2022-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Die Vereinigung Deutschlands -ein weltpolitisches Machtspiel
2004-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Dopoguerra. Com’è cambiata l’Europa dal 1945 a oggi
2009-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Due Germanie in Africa: la cooperazione allo sviluppo e la competizione per i mercati di materie prime e tecnologia
2003-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
East-South relations in the 1970s and the added value of GDR involvement in Africa: between bloc loyalty and self interest
2009-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Ecologia a parole? L’Italia, l’ambientalismo globale e il rapporto ambiente-sviluppo intorno alla conferenza di Stoccolma
2016-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Entwicklung im Konflikt: die EGW und der Senegal 1957-1975
2014-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Germany's Cold War: The Global Campaign to Isolate East Germany
2005-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara
Geschichte Italiens im 20. Jahrhundert
2011-01-01 Lorenzini, Sara