Rugani, Rosa
Rugani, Rosa
A mental number line in human newborns
2019-01-01 Di Giorgio, E.; Lunghi, M.; Rugani, R.; Regolin, L.; Dalla Barba, B.; Vallortigara, G.; Simion, F.
Asymmetrical number-space mapping in the avian brain.
2011-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Vallini, B.; Regolin, L.
Brain asymmetry modulates perception of biological motion in newborn chicks (Gallus gallus)
2015-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Rosa Salva, Orsola; Regolin, Lucia; Vallortigara, Giorgio
Delayed search for a social and a non-social goal object by the young domestic chick (Gallus gallus)
2005-01-01 Regolin, ; Rugani, Rosa; R., Pagni; Vallortigara, Giorgio
Experimental evidence from newborn chicks enriches our knowledge on human spatial and numerical associations
2017-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Priftis, Konstantinos; Regolin, Lucia
From small to large: numerical discrimination by young domestic chicks (Gallus gallus).
2014-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Regolin, L.
Imprinted numbers: newborn chicks' sensitivity to number vs. continuous extent of objects they have been reared with.
2010-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; L., Regolin; Vallortigara, Giorgio
Is it only humans that count from left to right?
2010-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; D. M., Kelly; I., Szelest; L., Regolin; Vallortigara, Giorgio
Number-space mapping in the newborn chick resembles humans' mental number line
2015-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Priftis, Konstantinos; Regolin, Lucia
Numerical abstraction in young domestic chicks (Gallus galls).
2013-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Vallortigara, Giorgio; R. e. g. o. l. i. n., L.
Numerical magnitude, rather than individual bias, explains spatial numerical association in newborn chicks
2020-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Priftis, Konstantinos; Regolin, Lucia
Object individuation in 3-day-old chicks: use of property and spatiotemporal information.
2011-01-01 Fontanari, L.; Rugani, Rosa; Regolin, L.; Vallortigara, Giorgio
One, two, three, four, or is there something more? Numerical discrimination in day-old domestic chicks.
2013-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Cavazzana, A.; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Regolin, L.
Perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion in four-day-old domestic chicks
2013-01-01 Rosa Salva, Orsola; Rugani, Rosa; R., Regolin; Vallortigara, Giorgio
Ratio abstraction over discrete magnitudes by newly hatched domestic chicks (Gallus gallus)
2016-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Mccrink, Koleen; De Hevia, Maria-Dolores; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Regolin, Lucia
Response of male and female domestic chicks to change in the number (quantity) of imprinting objects
2020-01-01 Lemaire, B.; Rugani, R.; Regolin, L.; Vallortigara, G.
Spontaneous discrimination of possible and impossible objects by newly hatched chicks.
2011-01-01 Regolin, L.; Rugani, Rosa; Stancher, G.; Vallortigara, Giorgio
Summation of large numerousness by newborn chicks.
2011-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Regolin, L.; Vallortigara, Giorgio
The Effect of Clustering on Perceived Quantity in Humans (Homo sapiens) and in Chicks (Gallus gallus)
2018-01-01 Bertamini, Marco; Guest, Martin; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Rugani, Rosa; Regolin, Lucia
The use of proportion by young domestic chicks (Gallus gallus)
2015-01-01 Rugani, Rosa; Vallortigara, Giorgio; Regolin, Lucia